Fourteen: Grim Reaper

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The Reaper by Nightcore



"Whose going to knock?"

"Not me."

"I uh, don't wanna."

"You guys are wusses. I'll just knock." Lebara says rolling her eyes.

"We aren't wusses." Zakary says insulted.

"No? Then knock." Lebara suggests mockingly.

"I would but you already offered." Zakary says quickly.

"Wuss." Lebara mumbles.

I smirk as Lebara walks up to the big rock like door before knocking hard on it. The door made a loud banging noise from the handle that she uses to knock. It echoes loudly which made us cover our ears from the loudness of the noise. The echo slowly went away which is a relief, and now we are standing there in quietness. I glance over at everyone then back at the door, and I raise an eyebrow in confusion. Is something supposed to happen? I wonder. I let out a sigh as I walk up to the doors and about to push the doors open, but before I could push them open they opened on there own. I lost my balance as I fell forwards hitting my head on the hard ground.

"Chax! Are you okay?" Jessamyn asks worried as she runs by my side.

"I'm fine." I say feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Come in!" A disembodied voice booms.

We all jump as we didn't expect it, and we all look into the dark room that's awaiting us. Why aren't there any candles lit, then again Reapers can see in the dark like us so it's not really necessary. I stand up before wrapping my arm around Jessamyn's waist, and pulling her close to me. Lebara slowly walks ahead of me with Brigid following her. Zakary follows still carrying an unconscious Sirius, and then we follow after them into the dark room. It's so silent you can literally hear bugs crawling around in this room. The door behind us suddenly slams shut leaving us in complete darkness. We stood still not knowing what to do, until lights flick on one by one. They weren't normal fire that's illuminating the room that's surprisingly small. The fire is a dark gray with a bit of white in it, and they are floating on top of metal candle holders that's hanging up. The room itself, looks like a messy library. Books and scrolls are scattered everywhere, along with tons and tons of baskets. I don't know why there's so much baskets or where all of these books came from, but it stuns all of us.

"Whose there? State the reason you came?"

A guy suddenly appeared in front of us and he had this crazy look in his eyes. This is the Grim Reaper? I think baffled. He doesn't look anything like what I thought he would. He has long shaggy gray hair, cloudy gray eyes that have a crazy look in them. He's wearing a long black robe with a black hood, but the outfit looks battered and torn while he's barefoot. The color of his skin is grayish as you can clearly see his veins popping out everywhere. He's about the same height as Lucifer but he's actually taller by three inches. I never thought I'd meet someone whose taller than Lucifer. He doesn't really look like the Grim Reaper though, more like an old man whose been locked up for years. I wouldn't be surprised if Michael lied to us to be honest, then again is Michael even capable of lying?

"Why are you here? Why do you disturb me?"

He has a scratchy voice that sounds like he didn't drink anything for centuries, and he looks like he's ready to snap one of us in two. Michael did warn us he's unstable, especially around humans. I have to make sure Jessamyn doesn't get hurt by this guy. I heard a rumor that if you touch or get touched by a Grim Reaper, you die. End of story, but a lot of the Fallen says it's folks tale and that it only works on humans. I rather not take a chance though, just in case.

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