Chapter Eight: The masked one

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Maya's pov

After looking up from texting the boys for like two hours I noticed it was storming outside really bad. I looked around at the girls to find jenn filming, Andrea doing Rebecca's hair, Rebecca reading, and mahogany running through her dj mixs. Suddenly the bus stopped in the middle of the storm and the doors opened. I faced the open doors to find my smile gone, replaced my a shade of fear. I was looking into the dark eyes of the same person that tried to shoot me earlier. Again, with a gun in there hand. The girls saw the masked person and started screaming. "GET OUT" the masked person muffled through his black scarf while looking at the four other girls. They ran out screaming running to the boys bus which was behind ours so when we stopped they did too. "I said I would see you on the rode" it was a male. His voice was deep. He was loading his gun and started waving it around. "ANYTHING TO SAY BITCH?" He screamed making me jump a little. "Do you still punch like my grandma?" I knew it wasn't the best thing to say but I never let anyone see me scared even though I am on the inside. "You tell me" he said locking the bus doors and walking up to me. I felt a big heat rush on the side of my face but I just looked directly into his dark evil eyes, smiled and said "yeah you do". He laughed a Evil laugh stepped back to his original spot my the front of the doors and pointed the gun at me. I heard screaming and people punching the windows trying to get in. It must have been the rest of the people on the tour. I looked back to the mystery man and felt my eyes turn dark blue and green. I felt my heart beating out of my chest. I heard three loud pops of the gun witch naturally made me jump up making the bullets miss my chest but dig deep into my lower stomach. I slowly fell to the floor trying to breath but it was no use, I couldn't. But I also couldn't give up. Not now. I was a survivor. It wasn't my time, right? I chocked on my own short breathes and was lost in darkness.

Rebecca's pov

We ran out of the tour bus to the one behind us. The boys. We were screaming and crying and we just burst through the doors after running through pouring rain. "What's wrong?" "Where's maya?" "What happened?" All these questions rang through the bus when I managed to say "THE *sob SAME *sob GUY IS TRYING *sob TO KILL MAYA WITH A GUN!" With that all the boys ran out of the bus into the pouring rain with us girls following them. We reached the other bus and tried to open the doors but they all were locked. We looked through the window to see the masked person punching maya in the face. As usual she won't show her pain and stood taller then before. Then we saw the worst thing ever.. Three loud bangs rang in the air and maya dropped to the floor. The bus door opened and the masked guys ran out with Nash and Taylor running after him, the rest of us ran into the bus to see maya on the floor gasping for breath with her eyes closed and blood all over her body.

Cams pov

We all towered above maya watching her suffer when Shawn ran into action. She bent down next to her, tok off his shirt and tore it into three long strips and wrapped one a round the lower stomach really tight. Then he lowered his head to hers and gave her mouth to mouth. I felt my face burn up but I knew that now wasn't the right time to get jealous.

Shawn's pov

I tore off my shirt quickly and ripped it into three long pieces of cloth. I saw most of the blood coming from her lower stomach so I tightly tied it there and bent down giving her mouth to mouth. When our lips touched I felt nothing but fire works but now wasn't the right time to focus on my crush, I needed to save her. I couldn't lose her. Not now. Mahogany was on the phone with 911 and everyone else was just crying and praying. Soon enough the ambulances arrived and took her into the back of the truck. No one was allowed to ride in the vehicle because she was one cough away from not making it. When the ambulance took off Nash and Taylor were breathless but still ready to cry. "The police are taking his ass to jail" Nash said painting for air. I heard a few cuss words around the room but I didn't pay any attention.

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