Chapter eleven: o2l and starbucks?

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Maya's pov

Last night was crazy. I can't believe I shot three guys, damn helloooo bad ass! (Idk😂) I shifted around on what I was sleeping on It wasn't comfortable so I started rolling to one side of the bed without opening my eyes and before I knew it I was wrapped tightly in my blanket un able to escape and I fell on the floor. Mahogany rushed my my side because I guess she thought I was hurt or something but I couldn't stop laughing. " you scared me!" She said helping me out of my blanket. "I was uncomfortable!" I protested as we both bursted out laughing. "SHUT UP!" I heard a tired Rebecca yell from her bed not moving. "We'll someone is on there period." I mumble loud enough for only mahogany could hear. We laughed again and walked back to our beds. I fell asleep almost immediately.

"THIS IS FOR YOU BITCH!" I heard justin scream as I saw him pull out a gun. I was in a dark room and tied up to a chair so I couldn't move. "Before you die I thought you should see this" he put a tape in a box and a screen appeared on the wall. I watched the video for ten seconds before realizing that video was a video he took while killing my parents. I was crying really hard as he slapped me and told me to shut up. "Why couldn't you just kill me and leave my parents alone!" I screamed as he laughed and said "because then you wouldn't have suffered" He pointed the gun to me for a distance and I heard the gun shot ringing through my ears as I jumped up screaming "JUSTIN STOP!" I woke up.. It was a dream.. I was sweating and crying as I looked around the room to find the girls and guys sitting there staring at me wide eyed. I was still crying but I just stood up from my bed and walked to the bathroom. I was having a break down. After ten minuets I calmed down and opened the bathroom door to see everyone in front like they were listening to me or something. "Umm up I'm gonna go get some breakfast" I said while sliding my Magcon sweatshirt over my tank top and converse over my socks and grabbed my penny board.

- purple Magcon sweater
- black leggings
- white converse

I grabbed my phone and room card and slid out of the door awkwardly.

Nash's pov

Mahogany called us and asked us to go to her room because maya was having a nightmare and she needed to be comforted by a boy. So I called all the boys and we walked down to there room. The door was open so we just slid in the room silently and walked over to a couple of beds and sat Down. After we sat down we looked over to maya. She was sweating and slightly crying and was acting like she was trying to get out of something. "JUSTIN STOP!" She screamed as she sat up almost instantly. She was sweating so much her face was pale and her cheeks were red like roses, her eyes wear tearing up and she was breathing like she just ran a marathon. She stared at us for a while then got up, walked to the bathroom, locked the door and just stayed there. She locked the door and we all just faced each other and walked to the door to hear her light sobbing. After about ten minuets she unlocked the door and found us in front of it. She froze for a second then just said "umm I'm gonna go get breakfast" we slightly nodded as she put on her purple Magcon sweatshirt and white converse. She grabbed her keys, phone, and penny board then walked out of the door. "We are not just gonna let her go like that right?" Mahogany asked grabbing her phone and following her out the door. We all already had our phones and followed.

Maya's pov

I wasn't lying when I said I was going for breakfast. I wonder why everyone was in my room.. Ehh I don't really care. I skipped down the stairs when I heard a few voices behind me. I froze and looked back, there was no one there. I was now running down the stairs praying to avoid another attack.

Jenns pov

We were running down the stairs when mahogany asked us something I wasn't really paying attention but I stopped everyone from going any further because I noticed maya stopped and looked behind her. She must have heard us. Everyone froze and watched maya as she started running down the stares. We followed her out of the hotel.

Maya's pov

I walked out of he hotel but I still have a weird feeling like someone was watching me. Whatever I was in public so if any thing happened people would see. I dropped my penny board and started skating to the closest Starbucks. I pulled out my phone and texted mahogany
M-maya l- *lox*

M-hey I'm going to Starbucks do u or the guys want anything?

L- no we r okay thx

M-meet me at the mall at 12? I need help getting ready for the date with Matt. In nervous. 😂 and bring the girls

L- sure! C u then😝

I was about to click my phone off when my penny board hit a statue and I went slightly flying. I was preparing myself to hit the ground but I was caught by two strong arms. "Hahaha sorry you okay?" I laughing male voice asked me. I opened my eyes to find none other than kian lawley. "Hahah yeah" I replied. I could feel my checks turn pink as he lifted me from right above the floor and let me balance myself. "hey! I know you!" Me said as he inspected my face. "Really?" I said shocked. "Yeah! Your maya! I love your videos! They make me laugh my ass off." He said as the grabbed for my penny board. "Thanks! I'm a really big fan of yours too!" I said as he handed me my board. "HEY GUYS! Come look who I bumped into!!" He screamed to someone behind him. Soon I couldn't believe it the WHOLE o2l group was standing there In front of me. "HEY!" They all screamed and pushed me into a big group hug. " this is weird but can I have a picture with you guys?" I said looking down. "Shut up maya" jc laughed as they pulled me into a big hug. We all laughed at how we acted like we were each other's fans even though I practically grew up with them.

Kians pov

"COME ON!" I screamed at the rest of o2l. Damn they are slow. We came to Oregon to do a meet and greet but also because we wanted to surprise maya. She tweeted she would be here all week so we want to try and meet her. . When I turned back around to continue walking I saw a brunette girl about to fall to the floor so I stuck out my hands and caught her. "Hahaha sorry you okay?" I asked as she opened her eyes, they were pretty mint ones. "Haha yeah" she giggled she sounded familiar but I doubt it. I pulled her up and let her balance on her feet before I bent down and grabbed her penny board. "Hey I know you!" I recognized her now. "Really?" She sounded shocked, "Yeah! Your maya! I love your videos! They make me laugh my ass off!" "Thanks I'm a really big fan of yours too!" She smiled and laughed at how I pretended not to know her. "HEY GUYS! GUESS WHO I BUMPED INTO!?" I screamed for the guys to come faster. Soon all the guys were next to me. From there faces I could tell they were excited. "HEY!" They all screamed at her and pulled her in for a big group hug.
She hugged them back. Soo we came all the way from Cali to surprise you. U ruined the surprise so to make up for it WE get to take you out for breakfast" I smiled as I stretched the 'WE'. "Sure! But I'm do basic so I'm going to Starbucks!" She laughed while getting her penny board from the floor. "Aren't we all?" I laughed in my sass voice. She laughed, took the board and we all made our way to Starbucks.

Nash's pov

First a date with Matt and now breakfast with O2L!!? I wish I never followed her out of the hotel. I saw them all walk away standing next to each other laughing. This just got real. I have to ask her out! I guess all the guys got jealous to because there faces were red and anger was raging through there eyes.

BAD  GIRL$  (Magcon fan-fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ