Chapter twenty: alone or click nawh

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Maya's pov

I walked out of the building, dropped my penny board and started to skate. I don't have any idea where I'm going or what I'm doing. I'm lost. I stopped at a park after about thirty minuets and sat on a swing. I pulled out my phone and headphones and started listening to amnesia by 5sos. "I drove by all the places you used to hang out getting wasted.." My voice drifted off and tears slipped out of my eyes. I went on twitter and posted. "Thanks for the 'love' guys. I really enjoy being called a slut I front of everyone." I don't know why I am so depressed it just... Happens. I started swaying back and forth a little until someone ripped out my head phones. Scared it was another attack I quickly jumped up in fighting position. "HAY! Woah chill it's me!" Amari laughed as I let out a realized sigh. "This is jennah, she's my old friend from camp and she's a huge fan of you!" She laughed as I reached to hug jennah because im a hugger. She was short with long straight brown hair and vibrant green eyes, she was wearing a MAYA IS MY BEST FRIEND Magcon sweatshirt wich made me laugh. "It's so nice to meet you!" I said trying to sound like nothing was bothering me. "You too! I'm gonna go get Starbucks but I will be back in like ten minuets!" She said to Amari then walked away. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Amari said rubbing my shoulder slightly. "Talk about what?" I said trying to act. "I'm not stupid. Clearly something happened because your crying and what were those guys doing back at the hotel?" I couldn't handle it I bursted finally the haters got what they wanted. I broke. She quickly pulled me into a hug and let me cry on her shoulder. She was such a good friend. I calmed down and explained everything to her. She was about to break down herself. Right as we she was about to we both bursted out laughing just as jennah came back. "I got us all Starbucks!!" She sang skipping over to the swings. "Awww thanks you didn't have to!" I said motioning for her to sit on the swing next to me. "But I wanted to." She said with her piercing green eyes scanning my soul witch kinda creeped me out. Like just a little. We laughed about the awkwardness for like two minuets before the sun started to set and we watched it slowly sinking into the ocean. "M-maya?" Jennah asked me. "Yeah?" I said without looking away from the ocean. "Can we be best friends?" She asked me fighting with her thumbs. "How can we be something that we already are?" I said in a giggle reaching for her and Amaris hands as we all had a swing race. "Were only gonna be here for tonight... Tomorrow we are going back home... In Italy." Amari said looking down. "So? We can still talk!" I said making her cheer up a little. I was looking at the sunset but I was thinking about the guys... They seriously didn't even look for me! "Our flight leaves at 1:00 am we have to go" Jennah said getting up from her swing. "I'm Gianna miss you guys soooo much even tho we just met.." I said laughing a little as we had a big group hug. Soon enough they were walking off and I was alone in the dark. I walked back to the stadium where the meet and greet was held because I knew no one was there. I opened the door and looked around... A big stadium empty. I hooked my phone up to the speakers and started playing bruised by Gianna brockriede because that's my jaaaammmm! Lol. I played the karaoke version and started singing my heart out. "It was like she was running from a monster who chased her till she fell. It was like her whole world was collapsing with her mind as we'll. She poured her heart on the dinning room table she tried to stand but her legs were unstable. The girl who had no fears was broken down with fears after all those years.." My voice was lost and tears gushed out of my eyes as I heard clapping from behind me. I turned around and saw a tall dirty blonde with green eyes and the best smile ever. I quickly whipped away my tears and stood up straight to look at this stranger. "Your- WOW-like WOOW" he said making me laugh a little. "Thanks but umm you are..?" I said looking right in his eyes. "Chris... Collins. Umm I have a youtube.. Weeklychris? I'm joining the Magcon tour!" He said bowing down a little wich was really cute but funny. I skinned his perfect jaw line and amazing arms that layed down perfectly next to his green tank wich also made his eyes pop. "I'm-" "maya.. Yeah I know who you are.. I watch your videos.. Ur really funny. And cute" he said the last part under his breath but I still heard him. "We'll since your joining the tour it like were family." I said walking over to him and putting him in a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist witch kinda made me feel... Safe. Before I knew what was happening he twisted me around his back and I was in a piggy-back position. He started running around while my music shuffled and made me feel weightless. Moments like this made me feel like everything's gonna be okay. Soon the lights shut off by themselves witch was kinda creepy. He let me slid off his back in complete darkness. I was scared shitless. I think he could tell because he wrapped me up and cradled me until by breathing calmed. "C-cris?" I asked as my breathing hitched up again and he wrapped me tighter than ever. "Yeah" he said. Damn his voice is low and nice. "What happened?" I asked. Just as he was about to reply something grabbed my leg and pulled me away from him still in complete darkness. "CHRIS HELP PLEASE AHHHHHHH!" I started screaming and crying. "IM COMING WHERE ARE YOU!? I SWEAR IF YOU HURT HER IM GONNA KILL YOU!" "PLEEEAAASSEEE!" I cried bawling. Suddenly the lights turned on and I looked back to see Nash and everyone else. I was beyond pissed but I'm so relieved I started crying hard. They let go of my leg and I ran to Chris as he held his arms open ready for me to jump in them. I was crying so hard I had a major headache and he was yelling at them while I was in his arms. "Dude we were just playing chill." Nash said with carter. That made me cry even harder. I don't know what's going in with me, all the things that happened recently probably took a tole over me for the last time. I really don't understand why they would ever do something like that. As I was about to reply mahogany, Hayes, Andrea, jenn, Rebecca, Shawn, Matt, Cameron, and both jacks ran through the door. "DUDE WE FUCKING TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THAT TO HER!" They all started yelling all at once it was crazy. I had to break them up. "STOP JUST FUCKING STOOOPP!" I screamed louder then all of them. "They already did it it's done" I said. I noticed a little yellow light flashing from the other side of the stadium. There was someone else here... I started walking... Running towards it with everyone else following. When I reached the door I told everyone to be quiet. I slipped out a knife from my shoe and opened the door ready to stab someone when all I found.. What a note? I picked it up and started reading it aloud..

BAD  GIRL$  (Magcon fan-fic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя