Jealous/abandonded Peter pt 2

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An: Avengers/marvel do not belong to me

Peter POV

I am sat on my bed, not bothering to move. It had been three days since I left the Avengers, meaning it was Monday. I didn't go to school though, thinking it would be better to not go then go and be ignored.

I just sat there, thinking. My friends had all abandoned me, the Avengers had left me, and May had called in over a week. I understood why they would though.

Jacob was so much more perfect than me.

I pulled out my old Spider-Man onesie and stared at the bulky goggles. I haven't gone out at Spider-Man in a while.

I pulled the suit on, missing Karen's warm greeting, but ignored it. I clipped the web shooters on and went out the window.

That night I stopped five bank robberies, three attempted rapes, and 15 attempted muggings.

I crashed into bed, thinking how maybe it would be better if there was only Spider-Man, if it would be better if Peter left.

Tony POV

We have been searching for the kid ever since he left. He's left no trail, not going to school, not being seen at all. We try his apartment, but no one is ever there, and it looks no one has been.

We try and talk to Spider-Man, but Peter always just ignores us. We are planing on sending out the whole team tonight.

I get in my suit, and follow the other Avengers out to where Peter is just finishing up with a bank robbery.

"No sassy remarks, Spider-Man?" One of the robbers asks. Peter shakes his head.

"No. Some people close to me replaced me, ignored me. I don't see a reason to smile." He explains in a monotone voice, to the robber's slack-jawed surprise. He turns and webs up onto a nearby building, sitting and watching the City that Never Sleeps.

I land silently behind him, the rest of the team landing near me

"Hey, Pete." I say, and he snaps around towards me, web-shooters raised. He drops them quickly though.

"Oh. It's just you. How is Jacob doing? Enjoying living with you guys?" He asks, and it sounds genuine.

"Not as great as you." Clint states. Peter appears to blink slowly.

"So he's doing amazing? Great, good for him, good for you guys. Now, I need to go." Peter stands, but Steve grabs him, locking him tight in his arms. Peter struggles, and then freezes.

"Please, don't make me do this." His voice quivers, crest-Fallen.

"Do what?" Steve asks, before Peter rips himself out of the super-soldier's arms. Peter stands, hands raised.

"Please. I don't want to hurt any of you. But I can't live with you guys anymore. I've lost my entire family- so please just let me go. I don't want to hurt you." Tears slip from Peter's mask.

"What do you mean?" Natasha asks. Peter takes a shaky breath.

"When Civil War happened, you remember how I fought Captain America? I was pulling my punches. Like, really really pulling my punches." Peter explains shakily.

"Oh. Wow. I was only pulling them a little. What about the plane terminal I dropped on you?" Steve questions.

"I was pretending. It's easy to lift stuff like that. A few months later, I lifted an entire building off myself." The boy explains, take slow steps back.

"And I don't want to have to fight any of you. Because I don't want to slip. So please just stop rubbing it in my face that you guys are happier with the new guy- I'm really happy for you guys! But you need to stop harassing me about it." Pete explains, backing away slowly.

"Pete, we came to say we were sorry, that we should never have replaced you!" Steve fries to explain. Peter shakes his head. He's at the edge of the roof.

"I'm sorry."

Peter jumps off the roof, grazing the ground before launching a web to pull himself up. He disappears into the foggy night.

"Shoot. We aren't ever going to be able to get him back, are we guys?" I ask, shaking my head, tears dripping inside the suit. Shaking heads and dripping tears answer me.

We just lost the best kid we could ever find.

An: part three?

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