Avengers, meet Spiderman

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An: marvel/avengers don't belong to me

Peter POV

I bounced on my toes as the elevator brought me up to the common floor. Tony had invited me over again to work on my web-shooters, and I couldn't wait.

I stepped out of the elevator at the ding, and froze.

The Avengers were sitting at the family table, eating dinner.

"Hey, kid, are you lost?" Mr. Rogers asks kindly. Miss. Romanov glare at me, Mr. Barton quirks an eyebrow, Dr. Banner  looks neutral, Thor looks surprised, and Tony stands, waving happily.

"Peter! I thought you were coming Friday!" Tony exclaims, wrapping me in a hug. I quickly dodge it.

"Today is Friday. You texted me this morning reminding me." I answer, glancing over the Avengers.

"Oh. Well, come join us for dinner! We were just talking about a subject I think you would enjoy!" Tony pulls me over to the table, setting me between Mr. Rogers and Dr. Banner.

"Um, Stark, does this kid have a high enough clearance level to hear what we are talking about?" Mr. Rogers asks. Tony waves his hand.

"This kid helped me design some of your weapons. He's fine." Tony answers. I duck my head, blushing.

"Okay then...." Miss Romanov glares at me when I meet her eyes.

"So.... Peter, what do you think about Spiderman?" Mr. Barton asks. I jerk my head up, glaring at Tony, who smiles mischievously.

"Um, I think he is very brave, and is helping the city out a lot. Crime rates have been going down, and he stopped that Vulture guy a little while ago. I think he is having a positive impact." I answer carefully.

"That's what I'm trying to explain!" Mr. Barton agrees.

"Shield doesn't know anything about him. He keeps his tracks covered good. There's no way to know if he was experimented on, born with his powers, got them naturally, or even how old he is!" Mr. Rogers argues.

"He is young, too young. 18 or 17 at the most. We don't even know if he's a child soldier." Miss Romanov states. The entire team shudders.

"Yes, But is he causing harm? No!" Tony interjects.

"Peter, do you have any ideas?" Dr. Banner asks. I frantically shake my head.

"No, I, mean, what he did in Germany was pretty cool, stealing the shield, I don't think he's causing any trouble." I answer quickly. Miss. Romanov narrows her eyes.

"Peter how old are you?"

"Um, 16, why?"

"We made sure no reporters or civilians were at the airport we fought had." Miss Romanov grinned like the devil.

"Um, yeah, no, it was a big thing in the news?" I attempted. Miss Romanov's maniacal grin only grew.

"There were never any reports about it on the news." Miss Romanov says, smug pride dripping from her voice.

"Wait a sec- you're Spiderkid?" Mr. Barton asks, shocked.

"Spiderman, technically." I mumble. Chaos breaks out. I breathe in and out slowly, trying to focus on nothing, so my senses don't go crazy.

I close my eyes and breathe in slowly, out slowly. The noise fades to a dull racket in the back of my head.

Someone shakes my shoulder, and I jump up and backwards, landing upside down on the ceiling, web-shooters raised. The Avengers stand tense and stunned.

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