49|| Tour bus

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It was the next day and I find myself in the guest bed still in my clothes from last night.

"ITS TOUR BUS DAY TODAY!" Lauren runs in screaming.

"Let me change child." I groan grabbing random items and going to the bathroom. I end up picking a cropped hoodie and black leggings.

Lauren helps me pack and puts my suitcases by the door.

"Morning girls." Mere says as she puts down fruit and yogurt for us.

We thank her and Johnny comes grumbling down the stairs.

"Good morning to you too." I laugh.

He sits on a chair and puts his head on a table.

"John." Mere warns as she puts his food down on the table.

We all eat our food scrolling through our phones.

Then I head upstairs but someone quickly follows me.

They spin me around and then hug me.

"Johnny." I smile. "What's with the little dance routine?"

"I dunno. I just wanted a hug." He says.

"You're sweet." I kiss his cheek.

He brings me into his room and we sit and watch YouTube for a little.

I rest my head on his shoulder.

After he changes and I get shoes on.

"Where have you been all morning?" Lauren raises an eyebrow.

"Erm. Just watching YouTube. In my room." I lie.

"Sure about that? Because Johnny is looking happy." She says.

"We just watched YouTube!" I exclaim.

She laughs and we load up the car with all the suitcases. Let's just say it was like a game of Tetris. In real life and a lot harder.

Once we got to like this bus station we seen the buses.

"Oh my god." I say.

The buses had day and night on it with mine and Johnny's name.

"Well let's see inside." Mere exclaims.

"I think it's fair we give one bus to the kids. And Evie gets first pick." Dale says.

"Yes Dale!" I high five him.

I go in first and it's quite big but then there's the bunks.

"I'm gonna go middle." I say.

"I'll go across from her." Johnny says.

"I'm going above them." Lauren says.

"And the rest will get picks when they get here." Dale says

I take out a few things like a blanket and fairy lights of course.

After we put our suitcases down and everyone arrives. There is three busses.'

One for kids becuase there is so much of us. One for adults and then one for crew.

Annie and Lauren were above us. Jayden and Seb took bottom bunks. Ruby Nadia, Hayden we're just infront of us and then there was Zach with three bunks to his self.

Then we all had to get moving so I sat on a couch and started editing my vlog.

"Hey." Seb sat beside me.

"I missed you." I hug him.

"I seen you like yesterday." He laughs.

"Your my only memory of England." I say dramatically.

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