56|| Suprises

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So it's been a week. I've been a mess. Apparently Johnny has been a mess. He won't concentrate on school and he has gotten into two detentions. I've written a song about him...

I call him on face time. I have cried off so much mascara.

"Evie." He says.

"I'm talking first. Why Johnny. You knew I liked you. I'm so hurt. Why am I not good enough? I told you everything and this gets shoved in my face." I say tears threatening to fall.

"I'm so sorry. I have never regretted something so much in my life. I'm telling you. I'm being honest. She pushed me. That's why we are laying down. I swear I would never. After what you told me. I would never do that on purpose to you ever. You are good enough. You are too much for me and I would hate for you to feel this way. I'm so sorry Evie." He says.

"I missed you J." I say pulling my knees up to my chest and wiping my face.

"I missed you too Eve." He smiles wiping his tears.

"YESSSS!" Lauren screams running into his room.

"Woah you two are a mess." She laughs leaving.

We talk for ages. It's so nice and I've missed it soo much.

"I'll see you in January." He smiles.

"See you in January." He smiles.


"COMING!" I shout.

I get off my desk chair and run down.

"Hey bestie." I hear.

"HARVEY!" I scream running downstairs.

He hugs me and we hug for a while.

"It's been ages." I say.

"Shame I didn't miss you." I joke.

"So I made spaghetti so get to eating it." Zoë laughs.

Harvey and I eat at the breakfast bar.

We talk for ages and once we get up to my room Harvey comments on my state .

"So tell me. Why is there mascara stains?" He asks.

I explain to him everything and he hugs me after.

Oops. I'm back.

The Journey Ahead  \\Sequel to ABZ// Where stories live. Discover now