Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Rescue (Setekh)

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I heard the crash as it echoed endlessly in my mind and which my blood boil in anger and sadness. The phone slipped through my fingers as I ran for the door and almost ripped it off its hinges, shifting into my wolf form the very instant my foot stepped out onto the porch. My cries for Bane flooded the compound as I entered the woods at breakneck speed. My claws dug deep into the moist earth as I prayed like hell that Bane was still alive. But it was hard to tell since his blood never coursed through my veins. We weren't fully bonded yet.

When I reached the crash site and saw the shards of broken glass and fallen metal liter the roadway, my ached heavily. Oh, God, no! I saw the rock-wall for it lay in shambles, as the last of the remaining rocks fell into the sea with a loud splash. I shifted again and sprinted across to the other side, standing on the edge of the precipice. The roar of the sea looked dangerous if not freezing cold at the same time. Nevertheless, I took a deep breath and dived headfirst into the dark abyss like a knife through butter.

But from the moment my body entered the water, it was like a thousand needles stabbing into my skin. I pressed on, forcing the pain from my mind. I needed to find Bane, help him and above all, save him. My eyes pierced through the darkness of the water as I searched and pleaded with the Wolf Mother to help me find him. And it was then that I spotted the SUV with its front windshield kicked out and a rock about the size of a small boulder had somehow managed to wedge itself in the passenger window.

Running out of options, I willed my mental powers to come forth and expand outward within a two-mile radius of the crash site. Then like a ping on a submarine's radar, the ping got louder the closer I got to my beloved mate. My heart surged with relief when I found him lying on the ocean floor with his lips parted and no heartbeat. I took him into my arms then and kicked off hard as I swam toward the surface and breathed in a lung full of air. I swam as quickly as I could and when I reached dry land, I started doing CPR.

Two reps in and I could not get his heart restarted. I feared the worst as I sat back on my knees and felt the tears stream down my face.

"Come on, baby." I cried. "Please don't leave me! I can't lose you too."

I pumped his chest again, quietly counting the correct set of numbers before breathing air into his lungs. This went on for minutes at a time, but I wasn't ready to give up just yet. Then suddenly, a miracle happened. Water spewed from his mouth as he coughed rapidly, his eyes fluttering open as he weakly gasped for air. I exhaled with relief and listened to his heartbeat once more and made a mental note that it was weak but steady. Afterward, I took him in my arms and walked along the ten-mile road back to the compound.

When we arrived, I was instantly surrounded by the entire pack as my parents waited up ahead with worried looks on their faces.

"What happened?" My mother asked tearfully.

"It was a car crash. I found him lying on the bottom of the sea. He's alive, but barely."

"We'll wake up the doctor," my father replied. "Give him to us, son."

"No!" I roared. "He's not leaving my sight ever again. Now, I am taking him home with me, and the doctor can see him in the morning."

Both of my parents each risked a glance at each other before bowing their heads and stepping out of the way as I walked past them without a backward glance. Up at the house, I willed the lights on and unlocked the door with my mind as I moved across the threshold and dashed up the stairs into the master bedroom. I quickly laid Bane down on the bed as I stripped him of his wet clothes. Yet seeing him like this, freezing to death had me scared shitless, not knowing whether he'd live or die come morning.

I sensed his body trying to produce enough blood to his vital organs that would in order generate enough heat and possibly return him to a healthy color. But it would be a couple of hours before I saw any improvement and he desperately needed body heat now. With a curse, I too took off my clothes and got into bed with him. Pulling the bed sheet and blanket over top of me, I carefully positioned my body over him as I laid myself down against his cold, damp flesh.

A slight hiss escaped from my clenched teeth when I fully realized just how cold he actually was. I bit my lip as I sucked in a breath and concentrated all of my body heat onto Bane. Then, I buried my face in the crook of his neck as I laid there in silence and waited to go to sleep. Yet within thirty minutes, I felt Bane's body move beneath me, his soft whimpering telling me that he was probably having nightmares about the crash.

And the anger that was once running through my veins had now turned to complete sadness as I thought about how awful I was on the phone to him earlier tonight.

I had no right to yell at him that way. He is my mate. He didn't deserve it. My only hope now is that when morning finally comes, we can talk about it so that I may apologize for the way I acted like such a dick. And speaking of being a dick—of all the bloody times to get a fucking erection here. Christ, what does an Alpha have to do to get a little sleep around here? My erection ached and throbbed painfully against Bane's thigh as he stirred in his sleep and muttered out my name not once, but twice.

I leaned in further still and softly kissed his neck as I whispered in his ear.

"Sleep soundly, little one. You're safe with me"

And when my eyes finally closed around two o'clock in the morning, I heard a weak voice croak out. "I love you too, Setekh."

Author's Note: Hello everyone! Happy Tuesday! :) I hope you guys had a good yesterday. If not well then perhaps this chapter will help cheer you up. I'm also excited to share that the next chapter will be the wedding!!! Anyway, I'm off to bed now. Oh and as always, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT & FOLLOW for more future updates and new releases.

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