Arc 2C - Lastation Chapter 4: Possessed or Controlled?

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"Hey's me Nepgear, here to introduce you to the chapter. Terra asked if maybe those of us a bit bored could help to warm you into the story. So Last time another part of Terra's memory restored – not that I know what he saw I'm just reading a script – adding further doubt while an odd day out with Noire has seemed to have warped or possessed K-Sha in some way. We can only see how the future turns out. Now onto the chapter"

A few more days had passed but yet things had gone stale. Terra, Uni, Noire and Nisa were playing go-fish while K-Sha was out "Well...we are...definitely stuck now" said Terra putting down a pair "Uni any 6's"

"I've got one" she said handing him a card "But no we are stuck. Any 3's Nisa?"

"Go fish" she said as Uni picked up a card "No despite our growth in strength, alas our search for true justice is at the crossroads of fate, wandering at sea in an endless fog...and any 10's Lady Noire"

"Hmm...go fish" she said with Nisa picking up a card "We've found no clue to this 'Girl trapped by her fate' and nothing new about the order. Hmm...Any jack's Terra"

"Nope...go fish" he said smiling with Noire looking suspicious "what?"

"You're lying aren't you? I challenge you, show me your hand" as Terra did Noire frowned...and pick up four cards

"Sorry Noire" he said snickering "You shouldn't be so untrustworthy" 

As the game concluded Terra flopped to the floor "Right...what now? We're close to the above level average, this Order is as easy to find as a pinch of hay in a stack of needles...and the writers are running out of side-events"

"'s close to meal-time" said Noire getting up "I'll go find K-Sha, maybe we could all go out for a dinner together"

"It would...stave off the hunger" said Terra

"But not satisfy the boredom" said Uni "Alright me and Terra will wait here"

"Alright call me if she comes back, Nisa care to help?" asked Noire

"Sure, I'll be glad to lend my aid" Nisa replied heading out with Noire.

As they left, Terra and Uni tidied up before sitting on the end bed "This is where...Neptune usually helps" said Terra "She has that sixth sense on how a game moves forward"

"I do kinda wish that things pick up" said Uni to which at that moment the door open "Oh that was fast Noire, did you...oh...K-Sha!" K-Sha had entered "there you are! My sister went looking for you"

"Did she now?" replied K-Sha a little weirdly in tone "good...that means I get to talk to you, privately" Terra itched a bit

"Then...should I...go too?" asked Terra

"No, no,, it's nice that you're here...darling Terra" Terra shivered to the extent he near fell off the bed he sat on

"That's...a bit extreme reaction" said Uni anxiously

"My hair is standing on end" he said "And I'm not embarrassed"

K-Sha held a smile the whole time she spoke "I invite you to my home, give you meals...and I don't ask for much, just some respect that's all"

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