Arc 3 - Chapter 3A: Truthful Bonds Part 1

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"Right folks...let's just get it on. So if you saw last Chapter, Terra after learning the harsh truth of his past has abandoned everyone around him and now just wanders" 

Terra was now alone, only in a grey shirt and pants, in a field full of flowers one of the only few places of life and colour in Zero Dimension. After a short walk...he stopped and just fell backwards into the flowers "I might just...lie here until I fade away, besides it is comfy here" as he laid down as if to sleep, overhead looking down were two scouts

"Come on didn't go that far did you?" asked Ram until

"Ram, Ram look there!" pointed Rom down at the flowers "Look there in the grasses"

"Awesome we found him Rom, right let's report to the others" flying in the opposite direction they came in, they found the rest and landed.

The others saw their excited faces "Did you find him then?" asked C-Sha "Your looks say so?"

"Yes Ma'am...he's in a big valley of flowers" said Rom "Just laid down"

"As I thought" said Umio "It seems Terra returned to that place"

"But that's where he fought that Dark Giant right?" asked Uni "Why would he go there?"

"I think maybe he didn't go there for the scenery" said S-Sha hypothesising "But more so for the feelings he could've experienced during that fight"

" we have a strategy here?" asked B-Sha "I mean Terra doesn't look ready to talk"

"And we can't force him to come back" said K-Sha "That would...make us no better than the Tari people"

"And if justice isn't what's valued here" said Nisa thinking "then we're missing the plot in saving our Comrade" 

Uzume thought to herself "I'm pondering that myself...but all we need to do is convince Terra that we're his friends not enemies"

"I've had a thought" said Uni "S-Sha mentioned something about the illusory power right? Well when K-Sha was...hmm to put politely single-minded she was engulfed in this flame, we beat her, spoke to her and she returned to normal"

"It was like that when Nep-Nep and Terra helped B-Sha" said Compa

"Oh, oh and for us with C-Sha" said Ram "So we just need to beat Terra up, talk with him and he's our Ally again"

"Yeah, yeah" added Rom with Umio chuckling

"then we'd best make haste"

"Yeah, let's" said Uzume.

After a short time, they arrived at the Flower field and there they saw Terra just lying in the flowers seeming to be asleep. Uzume looked to him, a distinct tingle in her chest and with it "Everyone...wait here alright, I want to do this by myself"

"But...wait are you sure?" asked IF "for it Terra does retaliate you've seen for yourself he's not too gentle"

"I...I know that but I want to try. That Dark Me from before, she seemed to know Terra personally...and if I'm the same as the other one, it means I know Terra too. From what point I'm unsure"

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