Chapter 5: Dark Blue Eyes

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Hayden's POV

I quietly sneak out of the guy's locker room unnoticed, and right as I turn a corner I run smack into someone that I was trying to avoid. "Heidi, there you are." Ella smiles a cheerful smile at me making me want to throw up. "Yeah here I am, and I would love to stay and talk but I am on my way somewhere at the moment." Ella grabs my arm before I can get away. "I hope you are on your way to see Harry because he is very angry with you." I rip my arm out of her grasp, "Why he is angry with me? I haven't seen him that much lately." Ella looks at me like she starting to figure me out. "He said for me to tell you that he needs to talk to you right away, and that it is about Henry." After hearing that name my head starts hurting so much and no matter how much I fight it the darkness take me anyways.

Heidi's POV

I open my eyes to see myself standing in front of Ella. "Ella? What is going on?" I ask looking around really confused on what is happening. "What do you mean? I just told you that Harry is very angry with you, and needs to talk to you." I look at her with the up most confusion on my face. "He seemed fine just a little bit ago." Elle shrugs her shoulders and sighs, "He didn't seem happy Heidi, in fact if I were you I would head over there right now." I nod my head fixing my purse on my shoulder that feels heavier than normal for some reason. "Thanks Ella." Ella and I give each other a quick hug, "Don't forget about my big announcement in the morning, Hadie and I need you there." My mind is suddenly side tracked away from my thoughts of Harry upon hearing Ella. "You could tell me right now, I mean it is just you and I here." Ella shakes her head at me. "This is something that I want all my friends and family to hear, and I won't tell anyone a moment sooner." I just roll my eyes before saying goodbye to Ella and start making my way towards the dorm rooms. I am now halfway there and I suddenly stop dead in my tracks after getting a glimpse of myself in a mirror. "What happened to me? I don't remember getting my hair done like this." I run my fingers through my hair shocked, and then I look down at my outfit. "These are not the same clothes that I had on this morning." I say starting to freak out. I sit down on a bench just outside the guy's dorm rooms taking a few deep breaths and trying to piece together all that I have down today. "I got up this morning with Henry, I spent time with Harry, I did my normal morning things I always do, and I met Ella and Hadie out in the front of the school." I open the zipper part of my purse pulling out my cell phone, and as I turn it on I immediately drop it on the cement. "That can't be right, it was just only ten in morning last time I checked." And according to my phone it is now five in the evening. I slowly pick up my phone my body still shaking. "A whole day, I can't remember anything that I did today." I shove my phone back into my purse trying to figure out any reason as to why I can't remember anything about today. I sigh before unzipping my purse and opening it to find very unusual items stuffed inside. "Where did these come from?" I ask pulling out a brown leather jacket, a black button down shirt, dark washed blue jeans, a pair of boxers with lightning bolts on each side, and brown shoes. As I look at the clothes I just pulled out of my purse I can't help but think of one reason I would clothes in my purse. "Harry Hook, how many times do I have to tell you not to put your stuff in my purse." I snarl angrily as I put his clothes back in my purse and stand back up, and before I head inside two guys walk out, the first guy has dark brown hair that falls over his eyes, an opened red hooded jacket with a white shirt underneath, dark washed jeans, and a pair of black boots on his feet. "Reed." I say turning my attention away from the first guy and onto the second. The second guy has his dark brown hair slicked back, a white button down shirt, a necklace with a tiny red wolf pendant on it, a sliver watch with red on the inside on his left wrist, his black and red joggers are sagging just enough that you can see the logo off his boxers, and on his feet are a pair of black boots. "Randy." The two guys look at each other then back to me. Reed and Randy are the twin sons of little red riding hood, and the older brothers of Reena. 'We don't have time to talk Heidi, we need to get over to the tourney field." Randy says before running off. "Someone stole Herkie's clothes and hung his tourney clothes and towel on the flag pole outside." My cheeks turn bright red as I realize that poor Herkie is walking around campus completely nude. "You better catch up to your brother." Is all I say before walking inside and make my way to Harry's room. I finally reach his room and I just walk inside not bothering knocking because there is no point. "Harry! I'm home!" I throw my purse on the floor and flop onto the bed. "Nice of you to finally come home." I hear Harry snap at me. I sit up on the bed and judging by the look on Harry's face he is not in a good mood what so ever. "What is wrong?" I ask standing up off the bed and walking over to him, and before I can reach him Harry puts his hand out stopping me from getting any closer to him. "We need to have a serious talk about your priorities, and where certain things should come before anything else." I look in Harry's eyes only to see that his blue eyes are now a dark blue.  

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