Chapter 18: Enchanted Waters

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Hayden's POV

"What is so important about this cave?" Ennis asks looking around before turning his attention to the pool of water next to us. "This cave is where the first sirens were created by my uncle Poseidon, they were created for one purpose, and that purpose was to lure sailors to their watery grave." I smile sighing happily about that and knowing that talent is in my blood. "Now over the years the siren blood line has thinned out, so much so that there is only a hand full of us left in this world, and most of my kind have forgotten our true nature." Ennis nods his head trying to understand where I am going with this little history lesson. "If this cave is special to the sirens, then why do you need me I am not a siren." I nod my head turning my attention to the magic water next to me, water that contains something that I need. "This cave is protected by mer magic, and that is something that you will help me with." Ennis looks at me confused. "You are the son of Ariel and Eric, and that means you are part human and part merman." I take Ennis hand leading him to the edge of the pool. "Hidden deep in this water is something very important to me, and I believe that you will be able to bypass the magic and retrieve what I want." Ennis looks down at the water. "Why is this water so special, I mean it looks like normal water to me." I groan in frustration because you would think that Ennis would know his own lineage. "This water is what gives the enchanted lake it's magical properties, and some people believe that this water comes from the city of Atlantis itself." Ennis slowly puts his head close to the water and a huge smile appears on my face when Ennis places his hand in the water without anything happening to him. "I told you it would work." I say the excitement getting the best of me in this moment. "Now we know that I will be able to enter the water, but you haven't told me that I am looking for exactly." I place my hands on Ennis shoulders. "A long time ago there was a powerful necklace called 'the blood diamond' but Hades couldn't control the power of the necklace so he split it onto two separate pieces, a blue diamond that had the power to hold memories, and a yellow diamond that had the power to take memories." I take my hands off Ennis and look deep into the water. "If these two diamonds were ever fused back together then the blood diamond necklace would be recreated, Hades knew this and to make sure that would never happen he gave his son the blue diamond, while he gave his daughter the yellow diamond." I form a fireball in my hand turning towards Ennis. "He never told his children the really reason he gave the diamonds away, instead he made it look like a sweet gesture, and I know of the location of the yellow diamond." I close my hand putting out the fire. "As for the blue diamond, I just recently discovered that My brother Hadie hide it here, and that brings us full circle to where you come in all of this." Ennis steps up next to me. "Your task is simple Ennis, all you have to do is swim under the water and get my diamond." Ennis nods his head slowly lowering himself into the water. "You could have told me that in the first place and saved us valued time." I growl in anger staring daggers at Ennis. "If I had my way from the start then you wouldn't be here and I would already have want I want, now go and get me what I want. Ennis inclines his head before taking a deep breath and diving under the water. I sigh happily knowing that I am only minutes away from phase one of plan be completed. It feels like it is taking Ennis forever but suddenly Ennis breaks to the surface. "That was harder than I thought it would be." Ennis takes deep breaths as I kneel in front of him. "Did you get it Ennis?" Ennis smiles at me before holding up the blue diamond. "It was protected well, and you were right about what you said." I look at Ennis wondering what is talking about. "This thing was under some impressive and powerful mer magic." I reach out my hand to Ennis. "Hand me the diamond Ennis." Ennis looks at me then to the diamond. "Why would do that?" He asks putting the diamond back underwater so I couldn't touch it. "Because I am telling you, now hand it over." Ennis shakes his head. "You want this for evil, and I will not let evil take hold in Auradon." I snarl at Ennis now understanding that when his hand touched the water earlier my Siren enchantment over him must have washed off. "Your free from my control?" Ennis smiles at me nodding his head slowly. "You should have remembered the magic the water contains, it washes away any and all enchantments." I can't use any magic because it will only backfire on me. "You have to come out of there at some point, so either give me the diamond or I this will be the end of the of your family royal line." Ennis looks down at the diamond still in his hand then back up at me. "Kill me and I will drop this diamond into the water where you will never get it." I raise my hands in the air and walk backwards to the start of the steps. Ennis carefully and cautiously gets out of the water. "Now I think it is time you tell me what is really going on, because I know Heidi, and you are not her." Ennis tightly holds the diamond over the pool of water willing to drop it at any second.

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