Chapter 33: Turf War

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Hayden's POV

"I can take care of myself Heidi." Morgan snaps at me ripping her arm away. "You know that about the turf war that is going on, and I know for a fact that Uma, Chris, Quinn, and even Harrison would have no problem using you to get your brother's turf." Morgan rolls her eyes at me. "I know the lines better than anyone, and I am just here to get information for my brother." I look at her raising an eyebrow. "What kind of information are we talking about here?" Morgan crosses her arms across her chest. "Why would I tell you, you are part Uma's Lost revenge, and that makes you the enemy." I let out a little laugh seeing how big and bad Morgan is trying to be. "I can't stand Uma, and if there is a way to bring her down I want in." Morgan looks at me with uncertainty in her eyes. "I don't believe you, and more to the fact that you would just use me to get to my brother like you did last time." I incline my head knowing that little Morgan wasn't wrong about me trying to get to her brother. "Where is your brother?" Morgan eyes turn dark as she looks deep into my eyes. "He is where he is always is, and it is somewhere you are not welcome." I smile at her running my finger along her face. "That would mean he is hiding out in Waterways territory." Morgan just stares at me without saying a word at first but after a few seconds she says something that I was not expecting to hear. "You ruined him when you left the isle Heidi." I run my fingers through my hair trying to ignore these feelings I was having. "What are you talking about?" I ask as a part of wanted to know but the other part of me just wanted to leave. "My brother isn't the same guy he used to be, now he is insane, cruel, ruthless, sadistic, power-hungry, sinister, vengeful, deceptive, selfish, manipulative, dangerous, and it is all because of you." I can see tears welling up inside Morgan's eyes. "What did I do?" I ask liking the sound of the new person her brother has become. "He fell in love with you, and you tossed him aside like piece of trash Heidi, and all because you had feelings for someone that would never see more than a friend." I know who is talking about but deep down I had nothing to do with Heidi and Harry getting together, and now hearing that the one guy I love really loves me back makes me feel guilty for not trying to find a way back to him sooner. "Morgan there is lot that no one understands, but I do love your brother, and he is the reason that I came back to the isle." Morgan eyes show a mix of emotions, but I think Morgan can see that I am telling her the truth, well part of the truth anyways. "Why did you have to turn him into what he is now?" I just sigh not knowing that to say at this point. "Morgan, I had nothing to do with this, It is your brother that has done this to himself." Morgan wipes the tears away from her eyes before taking in a deep breath and calming herself down. "Now tell me, what information are you looking for?" Morgan gives me a strange look. "You really don't know?" I suddenly give Morgan the same look she was giving me. "Know what Morgan?" Morgan pulls out a piece of paper from her pocket handing it to me. I take the paper unfolding it so see something that I haven't seen in a very long time. "Is this what I think it is?" I ask Morgan who nods her head. "Word on the isle is that there is a new ruler, someone has reclaimed Mal's old territory from Uma, and is currently gathering more." I look back at the paper that has Mal's old logo on it but a completely new outline. "Who is it?" Morgan shrugs her shoulders. "No one really knows, all they know is that a new group calling themselves 'The Descendants' have taken over leadership of the isle." I shove the paper into my pocket. "What about the rest of the leadership on the Isle?" Morgan shakes her head slowly. "No one knows much of anything about this new group, and most recent news of them is that they have taken over Harrison's Highlands." I look at Morgan in shock. "Harrison wouldn't just give up her foothold in the north easily." Morgan nods her head agreeing with me. "That is why I am on my way there, to see what I can find out from Harrison." I put my hand on the brick walk to my left and give it a hard shove revealing a hidden alleyway. "Take this path, it is fast, and it will help you get through the other territories without anyone spotting you." Morgan looks down the dark path and then back to me. "Are you sure it is safe?" I nod my head quickly before shoving Morgan inside. "I am the only one that knows this path, and it will lead you straight into the heart of Highlands." Morgan slowly starts heading down the alley as I shut the door to make sure no one finds out about it. I take a deep breath before I hear someone behind me. "Heidi?" I hear a male voice say in almost a whisper, and it is a voice that I knew like the back of my hand. I slowly turn around and I come face to face with the one person I have been waiting to see since I got back, I slowly lift my hand running it through his white hair, I move my hand along his facial hair, and I finally look into his eyes, "Morris." I say in a whisper. 

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