Chapter 26: Hidden Tunnels

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Hayden's POV

Harry and I are now walking on campus and headed for the museum of cultural history. "Exactly how far are these tunnels?" I roll my eyes with a smile on my face. "It would take less time if you wouldn't ask me every ten seconds." Harry groans loudly as we keep walking. I look up at the sky to see that the sun was starting coming up which means that some people would be waking up and that would make us leaving harder. "We need to hurry, if people see us they might find out that we are leaving, and then we will be trapped here forever." Harry grips my arms and slings me over his shoulder. "Just tell me where to go, and I will get us there." I struggle a little bit and punch Harry in his right side getting a painful noise out of him. "Get your meat claws off of my pirate." I snap at him as Harry puts me down giving me a weird look and holding his side. "What is with you Heidi, you and I always joke around like that." I wrap my arms around myself taking a few steps back away from him. "Just don't touch me caveman, I don't need your nasty fingerprints anywhere on my body." I push past Harry and keeps walking with Harry now running behind to me to catch up. "Heidi I was just playing around." Harry reaches forwards and touches my shoulder but I jerk away from him. "WHAT DID I JUST SAY, STOP TOUCHING ME ROCK BRAIN!" I yell as I back up into a sign. I turn around to see that Harry and I have arrived at the museum. "We are here." I say quietly as I walk up the entrance. Harry follows me as he looks at the locked door in front of us. "What do we do now?" I sigh pulling out keys from my purse. "Don't worry, I said I would get us home, and that is exactly what I am going to do." I put the key into the lock and unlock the front door. "I used to work here." I say shrugging my shoulders as the two of us enter the place. Once we are both inside I lock the doors back up but the one thing I forgot is night security guard on duty. "Heidi? Harry? What are you two doing here so early?" The guard asks and I look at him then to Harry. "Harry you know that favor you owe me." Harry nods his head as I incline my head towards the guard. "Take care of him please." Harry smiles a dark smile as he raises his hook at the guard. "Don't kill him, just knock him out or something." Harry snarls because he can't hook anyone. "I will take care of the cameras." I wave my hand as the all the cameras and other security measures are shut down, and then I heard a loud thud with the sound of a body falling to the floor. "You should have let me hook him." Harry messes with the hook in his hand. "That would cause more trouble then what we need right now, and the spell I cast won't last forever." I Harry's hook and start leading down the many hallways of the museum. Harry and I enter the fourth wing and straight into the passageway leading into the museum of villainy. "Where are we going anyways?" harry asks as I pull out the map from my pocket. "There are secret tunnels that lead all over Auradon, and one of them just so happens to lead to the isle of the lost." Harry and I enter the museum of villainy as Harry just scoffs. "I see that my father isn't evil enough to be immortalized in a place like this." I walk into the room that is painted almost completely black with the room made to look like part of a castle, in the middle of the room is a large crystal ball, and standing next to the crystal ball is a life size statue of the famous wicked witch of the west. "What does the old hag from OZ have to do with anything?" Harry asks following me into the room. "This is where one of entrances to the tunnels is, now either stop asking a million questions or I am leaving you behind." Harry rolls his eyes and leans against the wall. I look down at the map and smile walking up to the crystal ball. I feel around the table the crystal ball is on when I feel something that feels like a button. I push the button and seconds later the table moves to the right. "Let's go Harry, it is time to go home." I slowly make my way down the ladder. "What is down there?" Harry asks from above. "A bunch of cold tunnels, not get down here." Harry jumps down the opening and lands on his feet smiling at me. I push past him and close the opening before handing Harry the map. "What am I supposed to do with this?" I form a fireball in my hand to light up the tunnel. "You are a pirate, and that means you can read the map while I light the way." Harry nods his head and looks down at the map. "We go down the long corridor and make a right at the end." I nod my head as the two of us start walking. "Did you know that each of these tunnels lead to some part of Auradon." I nod my head as we pass an opening that leads to who knows where. "I am aware, but we just need to focus on getting back home." Harry and I reach the end of the corridor we come up to the middle of hundreds different passageways. "Which one Harry, and make sure that you are reading that map right because if we can't afford to get lost down here." Harry starts laughing, "Reading maps is something my dad taught me to do when I was three." Harry looks down at the map. "Third passageway on the right." I count the passageways and starts heading down the path Harry told me, and the further we go down the more my fire starts flickering. Suddenly my fire goes out meaning that we have crossed the barrier, and I turn to Harry. "Harry, you okay?" I ask making sure that my spell hasn't lost its effect. "Yeah I am fine, now move out of my way." Harry shoves me out of the way as we come up to a door. "Good to know my spell still has a hold on you." Harry uses his impressive muscles to open the door as the two of us step through the door hoping to find the isle on the other side of this door. 

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