Chapter 22: Real or Not

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Hayden's POV

"That is enough out of you." I stand up and tower over Ally. "Who are you, I am assuming that you have a name?" I grip Ally by her rode pulling her to her feet. "Your smart, but you get in my way, and I will send you back to wonderland in a casket." I let her go as she falls to the floor. "Heidi knows that you exist, and once everyone finds out what is going on her with we are all going to help her get better." I shake my head with an evil smile on my face. "Heidi might know a little about me now, but the deeper she digs into me, the more she will get hurt, and I know that no one wants to hurt Heidi on purpose." Ally looks at me conflicted on what she should do. "It must be hard to decide if destroying your best friends already fragile mind is worth exposing me further." Ally eyes turn dark as she scowls at me. "You know that all of us that love Heidi would never want to hurt her." I sigh happy to hear that outcome. "And at least for now, no one can hurt me without hurting Heidi, and that is the only reason being an alternate personality really comes in handy." Ally sits on her bed folding her hand sin her lap. "What do you mean when you say for now?" I wave her off trying to cover up my slip up. "That diamond is part of some plan you have to get rid of Heidi." I giggle at her knocking over her lamp. "Will you listen to yourself, I can't live without Heidi, and if I am going to have a life of my own, I am going to have bury Heidi so deep that she will never show her face again." I pick up the papers off the floor. "I unlatch the window as the cold air of the night comes into the room. "Heidi can never know why she created me, and that means that you can't know any more of the good doctor." I form a fireball in my hand and set the papers on fire, and seconds later all is left is ashes. "Why are you focused on destroying Heidi, you are meant to protect her." I hiss at Ally making her back up a few steps. "I have protected her long enough, it is my turn to have a happy ending, and that means Heidi loses her happy ending." I brush the ashes off my gloves. "You aren't a real person, you are a fragment of Heidi's mind." I roll my eyes annoyed with this pesky little girl nagging in my ear. "If I am not real, then who are you talking too, if I am not real then why doesn't Heidi remember all the stuff that I have done, that includes sleeping my way through some of the guys on the Isle, and falling in love with a real man and not that no good pirate boy." Ally looks at me with astonishment. "Heidi said Harry was the first guy she had been with." I walk over to Ally's bed and lounge on it. "That dirty pirate might be Heidi's first, but he sure wasn't mine, and he definitely isn't man enough for me." Ally walks over to me looking at me trying to understand me, but she is wasting her time with that one. "What all doesn't Heidi know about herself?" I sit up on the bed with a smile on my face. "Let's just say that there is a lot she would rather not know, and that includes an underground connection between Auradon and the isle of the lost." Ally is speechless as those words come out my mouth. "I mean you think I wouldn't know a way to get back home or a way to get into Auradon without anyone noticing, I found a way to bypass the barrier, and all I need to do is get Henry and Harry out of my way." Ally grabs my jacket slamming into her desk. "Harry and Henry can bring Heidi back, and that makes you're your weakness." I shove Ally away from me. "It is true that the shipwrecked pirate and the snot bubble brat can bring Heidi back out, but I have a way to eliminate those obstacles, with that dear I am afraid that I need to get going, it is almost morning, and I refuse to spend one more day in Auradon." I kick the lamp up from underneath my foot hitting Ally in the face, as I jump on the desk I kick Ally in her stomach sending her tumbling over her bed and landing on the floor on the other side. "Next time bookworm, pay attention to what is going on around you, it might save your life." I smile at her before jumping out the window and land on my feet outside the dorm rooms." I look up to see Ally looking out her window. "Sleep tight Ally." I say in a mocking tone waving at her and start walking away back to the room that Heidi and Harry share. I am halfway there when suddenly I feel like the world is spinning out of control, I stumble a little bit trying to catch my balance, but I fall to the ground as I try to catch my breath, I slowly make it back to my feet but after a few steps I falls back onto the ground, and I shake my head determined to make it back to my feet, I growl loudly as I push myself up back onto my feet, I grip the light post to keep my balance, everything starts spinning faster and I start thinking that Heidi is trying to fight her back in control, but this doesn't feel like that, and just like that again I fall to the ground only this time I pass out. 

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