Chapter 25: The New Harry

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Hayden's POV

"Heidi?" Harry asks in a groggy voice sitting up in the bed. "Where am I? this isn't the Jolly Roger, and this certainly isn't the Isle." Harry starts looking around in a panic, and the only thing I can think of doing is slapping him across his face to get him back under control. "Pull yourself together Hook." Harry holds his cheek as his eyes darken and his grips me by my throat. "You ever strike me again, I will throw you into the water myself, and this time I won't jump in to save you." Harry tightens his grip around my neck. "Remember my warning, because you only get one." Harry tosses me to the floor before pulling the covers off himself and stepping out of bed. "Can you at least tell me why we are Bore-adon, the last place I ever want to be is around these type of people, and just thinking about it is making my skin crawl." I smile an evil smile because this is the first time I have ever seen the power of diamond, and I have to say that I am very impressed. "How did I get here? How long have I been trapped here?" Harry starts pacing around the bedroom, and I am not sure what to tell him, but I know that I have to think of something fast before his questions start leading towards the truth. "Listen to me pirate, we are in barf-adon, and we have been undercover pretending to be heroes." Harry looks at me like I am crazy. "You got here by accepting King Benjamin's invitation, and we have been here for a little over a year or more." Harry growls as his eyes go black and he starts slowly walking towards me. "You have let me walk around this place, talk to these people, and do god only knows for more than a year." I scoff at him rolling my eyes. "You think you had it bad, I had to pretend that I was in love with you, and that was more of a punishment then even you could ever think of." The look in Harry's black eyes almost show that he is hurt by what I said, but Harry shakes his head and starts laughing. "I don't even want to know what I have been doing in this place, all I want right now is to go back home where I belong, and get back to doing what I do best." I sigh happily hearing those words come out of his mouth. "That brings me to my next question, how are we getting home? The only way in or out is through the barrier." I crack an evil smile at him. "I know of another way to get back to the isle, and luckily for the both of us I am the only one that knows of it." Harry smiles the cruel smile that I have come to know and tolerate as he starts shuffling thought the clothes in his closet. Harry puts on a clean pair of black boxers but before he put on anything else I grab by his shoulders. "Wait, I think for far too you have acted like a hero and wore Auradon clothing, and that is why I brought you some of your isle clothes." I pull out a trunk from under the bed before jumping on the bed and laying on it thinking of just how close I am to being back home. "Harry opens the trunk and a familiar dark and evil smile crosses his lips, "I owe you big time for this Heidi." Hearing that name makes my skin crawl even more than being stuck in his forsaken place. "Just remember that because I might be cashing in on that favor sooner rather than later." Harry puts on a pair of dark grey ripped shirt with dark red straps, a pair of very dark washed jeans, his belt, and his black boots. "Now, how do you feel?" I ask seeing how much Harry seems more relaxed now that he is back to normal as he puts the finishing touches on himself. "I feel more like myself then I have in a very long time." Harry puts on his dark red jacket, his pirate hat on his head, he takes his sword placing it on his hip, and finally he takes his fake hook grasping it tightly in his hand. "Ready to go?" I ask jumping off the bed when Harry nods his head. I open the door but as I turn around I see Harry looking at Henry with suspicion. "Who is this?" I groan in annoyance. "Just some kid that we were looking after." Harry looks at me then to Henry. "Heidi, he looks exactly like me." I walk over to Harry and look down at Henry. "I don't see it, and besides I really don't think you are father material." Harry wraps his hook around my neck digging the tip of it into my neck making me scream in pain. "IS THIS MY SON!" He roars. I shake my head lying to him. "No, it is just some kid that you were babysitting as part of your cover." Harry face turns sour. "YOU BETTER NOT BE LYING TO ME, BECAUSE IF YOU ARE I AM GOING TO MAKE IT MY PERSONAL MISSION TO MAKE YOUR LIFE HELL!" Harry pulls his hook from my neck and stares at Henry. "I can't help but feel a connection to this kid for some reason." I wave my hand over my neck healing it. "If you want to stay stuck here with some kid that isn't yours be my guest, but I am going back home." I start walking towards the door when I hear Harry groan. "I am right behind you Heidi." Before Harry and I leave the room, I stop and turn to face him. "Harry before we leave there is something I need to know." Harry walks up to me with a look of urgency in his eyes. "What it is?" I pretend to sigh sadly before looking at him in his blue eyes. "How do you feel about me? Do you have any romantic feelings for me at all?" Harry squints his eyes at me for a moment before starting to laugh. "I think being in Auradon has scrambled your brain, don't talk stupid Heidi you are my best friend and that is all, and you out of all people should know that I have feelings for someone else." Harry walks out of the room and into the hallway. "That is exactly what I was hoping you would say." I laugh closing the bedroom door now fully in control. 

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