Chapter 10: Visit From The Sea

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Heidi's POV

I just make out of the forest and start walking across a bridge to get back on campus when I stop myself. "What was I doing in Ben's room?" I ask myself and for the first time I look down to see that I am wearing some red dress that I don't remember putting on. "Maybe I should just use Merlin's wand." I say out loud to myself. I push myself as hard as I can to remember but nothing. "Why is this happening to me!" I yell throwing a rock in the water. "Sounds like someone is showing their true nature." I hear a voice say, and I suddenly see Uma in the water. "Uma?" I take a step back stumbling a little and falling onto the ground. "You can take the girl off the Isle but you can't take the Isle out of the girl." Uma sneers at me with a smile. "You can't be here, you are trapped on the Isle." I scoot away from her, but for some reason Uma makes no movement towards me. "I am on the Isle, but I am on a special part of the Isle where the barrier is much weaker." I form a fireball in my hand and hurl it towards Uma, and it connects right in her face. "Nice try but news flash sweetheart, I am not really here right now I am safe and sound in my hide out." I get back to me feet and stare at the image in front of me. "Then how am I seeing you right now?" I ask only getting laughter from Uma. "My mother's necklace holds many abilities, and that is all you need to know." I cross my arms over my chest. "What do you what Uma?" I asked really annoyed that I will never be rid of this sea witch. "I need you to do something for me." I scoff at her letting out a laugh. "Why would I ever help you?" Uma shrugs her shoulders but she has her evil grin on her face. "Because I know where you can find Mr. Hyde." I stare into Uma's eyes unsure on how she could have possible known about him. "What are you talking about?" I ask trying to act like I have no clue. "I have been watching you, which means I know that you aren't right in the head, well I mean you have never been right in the head but as of late it has gotten much worse, and I also know that the blue wizard payed you a visit." I could no longer pretend like I was in dark. "What do you know?" I ask uncrossing my arms. "I know a great many things, and if you want the information I have you need to do something for me." I sigh annoyed because this is how Uma always was. "Just like your mother, now what do you want Uma?" Uma moves closer to me. "I want you to help me find a way to destroy Mal once and for all." I look at her in disbelief. "I would never do that, Mal is my friend." Uma starts laughing, "Mal is your rival, she is already trying to talk Ben into shipping you back to the Isle, and we both know that Ben gives in to Mal's every wish." I shake my head at her. "Your lying, Mal would never do that, and Ben would tell me if that was the case." Uma moves as close she can to the shore line. "Everyone is starting to see to think that you are going crazy, and it is only a matter of time before you lose everything that matters to you." I turn my back to her and sigh wondering if she is telling the truth. "You already lost Harry, soon it will be your friends, and lastly you will lose that innocent little baby boy." I turn to face Uma as my hair starts to turn into flames. "SHUT UP!" I roar sending fire at her, but it does no good with her not really being there. "You need to face it, everyone you love is going turn their back on you because they think that Chris did something to you." I scoff at her getting myself under control before I set the forest on fire. "The people I care about will understand once I explain what is going on." Uma chuckles as she moves in the water. "Explain what? That you are losing your sanity, that you would rather be evil then pretend to be good." I cover my ears to block her voice out. "The reason you can't remember anything is because you don't want to, you are scared that you might have resorted back to the ways that you have tried to bury for so long." I rub my eyes as my vision gets blurry. "Give into the darkness Heidi, you would feel so much better if you did." I grip the side of the bridge as I start to feel lightheaded. "Shut up Uma! GO AWAY!" I yell at her but she just smiles her wicked smile at me. 'Chris was right about what he said, Auradon will be betrayed by someone they never saw coming." I shake my head trying to concentrate on getting out of here and far away from Uma. "That person Chris told everyone about is you Heidi, you will be the one that will destroy Auradon, and I happy to tell you that you have already started." I fall to the ground exhausted of fighting. "I will never betray Auradon." I say in a weak voice. Uma slithers closer to me. "Just like you would never take a life?" I look into Uma's eyes scared of what she is talking about. "I never killed anyone." Uma drops a crown made of ice in front of me. "Tell that to Sienna." As soon as those words leave her mouth I soon find myself lost in darkness. 

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