Chapter 37: Hayden VS Hades

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Hayden's POV

"THERE YOU ARE!" Hades roars as he towers over me trying to scare me. "Hello to you too father." I say in the nicest voice I could muster. "THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY TO ME! YOU UNGRATEFUL PIECE OF TRASH!" I run my fingers through my hair biting my lip trying to not to go off. "YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD EXPLANATION FOR JUST RUNNING OFF LIKE THAT, AND YOU BETTER HOPE THAT I JUST DON'T DISOWN YOU AND THROW YOU BACK ONTO THE STREETS TO FEND FOR YOURSELF!" Hades grabs me by my throat and lifts me off the ground making me look into his soulless eyes. "You are nothing without me." Hades hisses slowly before tossing me onto the ground. "Actually father, I think it is the other way around, because as of right now without me you have no one to take over this place when you die." I snarl at him standing back up on my feet. "DON'T THREATEN ME LITTLE GIRL, AND YOU WILL WATCH WHO YOU ARE TALKING TO IN THAT TONE OF VOICE!" I start laughing loudly enough that it echoes through the room. "I am talking to someone that I hate, someone that I wish was dead every day, and someone that doesn't deserve the kids that he had." Hades storms up to me slapping across my face and sending me sliding across the floor. "YOU WILL SHOW ME THE RESPECT THAT I DEMAND!" I stand back up cocking my head a little, "Is that you got? Maybe the years are starting to get to you old man." Hades eyes go back and as swings at me again I dodge it easily. "YOUR BROTHER IS NOT HERE TO PROTECT YOU ANYMORE!" Hades growls at me. "I don't need him to protect me, I think I can manage to take on a god that has out lived his usefulness." Hades anger erupts causing Panic to hide behind the chair in the room. "I WILL MAKE YOU WISH THAT YOU WERE NEVER BORN!" I laugh at his comment. "You do that every day I wake up in the place. What is the matter dad you're not going to throw me into the dungeon for weeks on end, how about burning me to show me that your more powerful than me, or are you dangling me over the river of souls tormenting me by making me think you are going to drop me in?" Hades looks at me with hesitation. "I have been through it all, and I am still here stronger than ever." Hades races over to me but I step out of his way avoiding him. "YOU DON'T GET TO TALK TO ME THAT WAY! I AM YOUR FATHER!" I hear those words finally make me snap inside. "YOU ARE NOT MY FATHER, YOUR ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A SPERM DONOR!" I feel the anger getting more and more intense between Hades and I. "YOU PUNISH ME BECAUSE I LOOK LIKE THE WOMAN THAT AT ONE POINT IN YOUR LIFE YOU LOVED, AND YOU HATE ME BECAUSE THAT WOMAN CHEATED ON YOU!" Hades screams as fire erupts all around the room. "I HAVE HAD IT WITH THE THREATS, THE TORTURE, AND THE WAY YOU TREAT ME LIKE SOMETHING BENEATH YOU!" I storm up to Hades punching him sending him back a few inches. "I AM JUST AS EVIL AS YOU ARE, AND IF YOU CARED TO ASK WHAT I HAVE BEEN DOING LATELY THEN YOU WOULD KNOW THAT I HAVE BROUGHT BACK THE FEAR AND DANGER OF THE NAME HADES!" Hades looks down at me for a second. "HOW DARE YOU PUT YOUR HANDS ON ME YOU LITTLE INCREATE, IF YOU EVER PUT YOUR HANDS ON ME AGAIN I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER WORSE THEN THOSE IN TARTARS!" I let out a laugh, "You mean like this?" I ask punching him in the face again. "I DESERVE SIT ON THAT THRONE, BUT ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS THE SON THAT LEFT YOU AND IS NOW DATING A HERO FROM AURADON!" The look in Hades eyes is like someone just shattered his whole world. "What are you talking about?" I sigh angrily looking deep into the pathetic eyes of the man who is my father. "Your son is dating a girl named Ella, and she is daughter of Elsa and Jack Frost, he left you to rot here while he went to Auradon and found true love." Hades screams so loud that the whole underworld starts to shake rapidly. "I WILL HAVE HIS IMMORTAL SOUL FOR THIS!" I roll my eyes scoffing at him. "I am the true heir, and if you need convincing I could tell you all the nasty and horrible things I have done." Hades is still breathing heavy but is start to calm down as much as he normally is. "I have no interest in giving you anything, you are just as bad as Hadie, if not worse!" I snarl at him before I start walking away from him. "DON'T YOU TURN YOUR BACK ON ME!" I ignore him and keep walking. "I AM TALKING TO YOU!" I stop in my tracks and turn around. "I have no interest in giving you anymore of my time, have fun ruling the Underworld without an heir to take over for you when you die, and I promise you that you will die sooner or later." I snap but the next thing out of Hades mouth is something that I thought I would never hear. "Wait! Tell me more about what you have been doing, and I might consider replacing Hadie as my heir to the throne." I smile at Hades as I walk past him and into the throne room, "I think you will be pleased to hear what I have to say Hades." I make my way into the room and Hades walks past me and sits on this throne with an uninterested look on his face. "So Heidi, tell me, what have you been up to lately?" I smile a sinister smile at him.  

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