Chapter 11: A Plan With An End

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Hayden's POV

"If you don't shut your mouth squid, you will join Sienna." I growl at the image of Uma who looks at me with surprise. "I see that Heidi's backbone finally showed up." I roll my eyes scoffing looking at Uma. "I have my own backbone thank you, and I have nothing to say to you." I turn around and start walking away. "I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!" Uma snarls as she appears in front of me. "Am I supposed to me scared of an image, or better yet am I supposed to be scared of worn out sea magic?" Uma just moves back and forth looking me up and down. "I can give you what you want." I start laughing because Uma has no idea who she is dealing with. "Enlighten me Uma, what do I want?" Uma looks a little taken back as she moves away a little bit. "Information on who can help you with what is going on with you." I can't hold it in anymore I burst out laughing getting an odd look from Uma. "I already know what is going on with me, and as for your information not interested." Uma sighs angrily knowing that she has nothing left to bargain with. "I already have a plan to get what I want, and what I want is to finally be my own person instead of being stuck inside the head of a wannabe hero." Uma raises an eyebrow at me as she starts to piece together what I am talking about. "You're not Heidi, are you?" I clap my hands with a dark grin on my face, "Look who is finally catching on." Uma places her hands on her hips. "If you are not Heidi, then who are you?" I push my hair to one side with a smile on my face. "The name is Hayden, and before you ask I know who you are and I also know your past with Heidi." Uma looks at impressed with my attitude. "Where is Heidi?" I lightly tap my head. "She is safe inside where she can't bother me right now." Uma looks at me like she can't make heads or tails about what I am talking about. "I could help you with your plan, but only if you tell me what it is." Uma comments, and I know that she is trying to find anything that she can use to get me to help her, but this fish isn't biting the bait. "I would love to stay and chat but like I said I have things to do and such little time to get them done, there is only one person that can help me, and you aren't him." I wave my hand in front of Uma making her image vanish. I sigh making my way out of the forest and back onto campus. "I think it's time to blow this sickening place and go back to home where I truly belong." I frown looking at Auradon Prep that is all light up. "But I have to make sure that my cover isn't blown, and that will require Heidi to be out most of the time while I finalize my plans." Just thinking of being locked up in that dark prison makes me feel a tiny bit scared, and what makes me more scared is knowing that fighting my way back out is getting more and more challenging. "You're up Heidi, but don't think that you are going to be in control for long." I say out loud to myself as I close my eyes and let the darkness take me.

Heidi's POV

I open my eyes to see that I am standing on the edge of campus, I look around to see that Uma has left. "Uma must have given up on trying to torture me." I sigh deeply before walking back to the dorm rooms. After what feels like forever I reach the room that Harry and I share, and as I touch the knob I suddenly remember the fight that we had, and all the awful things that were said. I wipe the tears out of my eyes before opening the door to see that only Ani Radcliffe sitting in the chair with Henry in his arms. "Your back." Ani says standing up from the chair. "I just needed to clear my head is all Ani, and thank you for watching Henry." I take Henry from her. "No problem, he was an angle as always." I smile at her as my eyes fall to Henry. "Did Harry come back at all?" Ani eyes sadden as she shakes her head. "No sorry Heidi." I sigh putting on a face smile. "That is okay, he must be clearing his head too." I say trying to make everything sound fine but deep down my heart is breaking. "I can stay if you want." I shake my head feeling tears fill my eyes. "I will be okay Ani, and thanks again for watching him in such short notice." Ani smiles as she gives Henry a kiss on his cheek. "Good night my sweet prince." Ani then looks away from Henry and looks at me. "if you need to I am only a phone call away." I nod my head walking to the door making sure that Ani left, and once I am sure she is gone I close the door with my foot. "Henry I don't know that is going on but things aren't right at all." I say snuggling the baby close to me. "Mommy and Daddy love you, and don't ever think we don't." I kiss his head walking over to the bed and laying down with him. "Looks like it is just you and I tonight Henry." Henry makes a noise which gets me to giggle a little bit. "You can always cheer me up baby, and I know for a fact that you get from your dad." Just looking into Henry's blue eyes makes me miss Harry, "I wish I knew how to fix what is broken, but it is hard to fix something when you don't know what exactly it is." I say out loud to no one, and as I look out the window I can't help but hope that Harry isn't doing something that he would regret, or even worse something that could ruin our family forever.

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