Chapter 30: Feeling Of Unconditional Love

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Harry's POV

I am on way to the chip shop, pushing people out of my way and laughing at the look of horror on their face once they notice that it is me, I steal an apple off an old man's cart throwing it up into the air and catching it easily, I take a bit of the surprising juicy apple. "Must be a fresh batch." I say to myself with a mouth full of apple, and I then steal a scarf off an old lay wiping the apple from my mouth. I smile finishing my apple before throwing it over my shoulder and start laughing as I hear the sound of someone falling to the ground because they slipped on my apple. Suddenly someone jumps down from one of the buildings landing in front of me. "I don't have time for your melodramatics right now, so just tell me what do you want Harriet?" I ask my sister who is standing in front of me. "Father wants you back home, he says that you have explaining to do?" I look at her with an amusing look on my face as a smile crosses my lips. "What on the seven seas are ye talking about? I have done nothing wrong." My sister raises her eyebrow at me. "What I mean is that I haven't done any more wrong then I normally do." Harriett fixes her hat letting out an annoying sigh, and that is a sigh that I return right back at her. "I am just supposed to deliver the message, and now if you excuse me I need to bring glory to the name Hook." Harriett smirks at me taunting me, and before I can say or do anything she is gone. "And people call me the crazy one." I laugh my crazy laugh and keep making my way to the chip shop. Out of the corner of my eye something catches my attention, I see a light blue blanket covered in yellow ships laying on a cart, and right as my hand touches it something strange happens to me.

I am standing in the pouring rain when I suddenly hear the sound of trash cans falling over, and as I walk up to see what is going on I see in shadows a little boy that is frightened and completely alone. "Hey kid!" I yell getting closer to him and he sinks more into the darkness. "What are you doing out here?" I ask now standing only a few feet away from the kid but it is too dark to see him. The kid points up towards the sky, and as I look up I see that he pointing to where the stars should be. "What is up there?" I ask him and as he keeps pointing he answers me by saying. "The Milky Way." I smile at the kid because he seems to know a thing or two about stars. "Who taught you about that kind of stuff?" I ask and the kid moves closer to me now in the dim light of street light I see the kid had blue eyes that look identical to my own. "My dad taught me how to navigate the stars, he made sure that if I ever got lost I could always find my way home." The kid says in a trembling voice. I reach my hand out to the kid, and the kid hesitates for a moment before taking his tiny hand into mine. I pull him towards me and now can see everything about him, and he has to be at least 6 years old or maybe a little older. He has messy mop of brown hair that is sticking to his forehead thanks to the rain, he is wearing an opened red vest, a white shirt underneath the vest, black torn jeans, and worn out black boots. I look down at this kid in front in disbelief, this kid looks exactly like me, and I mean he is spitting image of me, and I suddenly notice a small bent coat hanger in his right hand. "What is your name kid?" I ask as the kid smiles up at me. "My name is Henry." As I look deep into his eyes I can't help but feel this unconditional love towards him. "That is a cool name, do you know who your parents are, I am sure that they are worried about you." Henry shakes his head as water from the rain leaves his hair. "I want my mom and dad." Henry starts crying as he wraps his arms around my leg. I sigh picking Henry into arms as he lets out a painful hiss. "What's wrong buddy?" I ask looking down at his arm to see a deep cut that looks it came from a hook. "What happened?" I ask feeling the anger rising in me. "It's noting, I just had an accident." Henry wraps his arms around me holding me tight. I sigh pushing the hair out of his face. "Don't worry Henry, I won't let anyone hurt you, and you my word as a pirate on that."

I suddenly blink my eyes pulling myself from whatever that was, and as I stand there I can still feel those strange feeling deep inside me. "That wasn't a real." I say out loud but I look down at the blanket and once again feel this pull to it, and I let a groan rolling my eyes. "Whatever." I start my journey again heading towards the chip shop, and to where reality makes sense to me. I turn the corner seeing the chip shop just ahead but I suddenly stop and turn to my right to see the alleyway that I imagined that kid was in, and I slowly make my way into the alleyway, and suddenly I see the blue blanket with yellow ships on the ground. I lean down picking up the blanket. "Now how did you get from the cart to here?" I ask but shrug my shoulders as I put the blanket into the pocket inside my jacket and head into the chip shop. 

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