Chapter 20: Battle of the Sirens

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Hayden's POV

"Sorry to tell you but your sister can't come out and play right now." Shay makes her way down the steps and stops not far from me. "What did you do to Ennis?" She asks picking up the flopping fish and placing him the water, "I just turned him into what he was, a fish out of the water." Shay scoffs at me with a look telling me that she isn't finding my clever jokes funny. "You won't get away with this, Heidi will come back and when she does I will tell her everything you have done." I growl at her as my hair starts to flame, "I am sick of people thinking that they can threaten me, I am the daughter of a god, and not just any god but the god of death itself." I roll my eyes before starting to walk up the steps, but before I can reach the opening Shay runs up the side and lands in front of me. "I am sure that I told you that I am not leaving here without my sister, and you are going to undo what you did to Ennis." I start giggling at her. "You really think that you are a match for me, face it Shay the only power you have is that of the Siren, and that only works on guys." I wave my hand to the side causing Shay to tumble off the side and onto the ground below. "I on the other hand have the power of both my mother and my father." Shay picks herself up and quickly takes something out of her boot and flings it towards me, but before it can reach me I stop it with magic, and see that it is a dagger. "Nice try Shay but like I said you are out matched when it comes to me." I turn the dagger around and release it letting it fly towards Shay. Shay jumps out of the way just as the dagger strikes the rocks. "You are not worth my time, but I guess I could always use practice." I jump off the steps and land on my feet in front of Shay. "Don't make me hurt you Hayden." I start laughing as I stretch out my hand sending Shay into the wall and holding her there. "You hurt me, I would love to see you try." Shay struggles to break free but that won't work. "Unlike you, I don't need magic to fight my battles for me." I just roll my eyes with a smile on my face. "Why would I not use something that gives me the advantage?" I drop my hold on her letting her fall to the ground. Shay catches her breath before swiping my legs out from under me making me hit the ground and release the diamond from my grip. "Looks like I just prove you wrong." Shay reaches for the Diamond. "Don't even think about it." I say waving my hand sending Shay backwards and away from the diamond. I pick up the diamond and dust myself off. "You have become a problem, and I know just how to make sure you stay out of my way." Shay stands back up and run up to me punching me in my face and kicking the diamond out of my hand. "I am done playing nice." Shay grabs me by my hair and slams my face into the wall of the cave dropping me to the floor. "I see that there is still some Isle left inside of you, never mind I forgot you never made it to the isle." Shay snarls and she lifts her leg and brings it down only for me to roll out of the way just before her heel hits the ground. "Your father left you to take care of yourself, and even than you relied on Chris to take care of you." Shay charges towards me which is exactly what I wanted her to do, and right before she can touch me I grip her by her neck lifting her up off her feet. "You let your emotions cloud your judgement, and I don't have time to deal with that right now." I slam her against the wall and drop her. "I have important things to take care, and unknown time to do get them done." I pick up my diamond and starts walking up the steps again this time I make it to the opening. I look over my shoulder to see that Shay is not far behind me, and a smile comes across my face. "It would seem that you were right, you be leaving here without your sister, in fact Shay you won't be leaving at all." Shay grabs my shoulder only for me to blast her back with my magic sending her right back where she was. I raise my hands collapsing the top of the entrance to the cove sealing it completely with fallen rocks. "That should keep you out of my way long enough." I start laughing hearing Shay yell from the other side. "Don't worry Shay I am sure that someone will find you at some point, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that one." I laugh and start heading out of the cave. Once I am out of the cave I make my way to the edge of the bridge that separate Auradon from the Isle of the lost. "If I am going to go back home, I can't have people knowing what has happened." I raise the diamond high pointing it towards the isle. "Diamond do as I say, let the memories up till I left the isle disappear into the forgotten bay." The diamond suddenly shines brightly and a blue mist covers the isle for a moment and a second later the mist comes back and is absorbed into the diamond as I am left wondering if it really worked. I feel Heidi fighting her way back and moments later darkness covers me.

Heidi's POV

I open my eyes to see that I am no longer in bed with Harry but I find myself staring at the Isle, and when I look down I see that I am holding something I shouldn't be. "What have I done?" I ask myself scared that this has finally gotten out of hand, and as fast as I can I start heading back to the dorms. 

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