~Our Happy Place~ Ch. 29 [End]

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Four months later....

You sigh as you lay on a hill dotted with cosmos, looking up at the twinkling stars. The only sound was the crickets making their little tunes and Tanya making a flower crown next to you.

This hill was your happy place, the place you can to relax from the stress of the world. Well, now it's not just your happy place, but also the others. This was our happy place now.

Tanya finishes the flower crown and sets it on your head, you smile and hug her little arm. You yawn and Edd picks you up, cradling you in his arms as you all listen to the faint noises of nature.

Everyone cuddles up close with you and Edd, even Tom and Tord who were hugging eachother. You smile at that and nuzzle your head in Edd's green hoodie, eventually drifting off in his arms.

The End.

-Slams book- FINISHED!

Don't worry! I'm making a sequel to this book. I haven't thought of a name yet though, sorry...  But anyways, this happy place plays an important roll in the next book, you'll see....

It has been amazing writing this book for you guys, since day one. I never though I'd ever get this far, I love all of you guys!

~220 Total Words~

💚 💜 💙 ❤

~Børn Thís Wây~ |Eddsworld x childreader|Where stories live. Discover now