Mason and the Minish Door, Chapter 1

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O-kay, everybody! Time to begin the 2nd story of the Viridi Saga.

Chapter 1: The Mysterious Door

Dimalanta Household

The sounds of wood clashing rang from the backyard of the Dimalanta home as Mason Dimalanta and Sheila Frantic clashed wooden blades against the other. It was a beautiful summer's day, so the two best friends were spending it doing what they loved: playing with each other. A cold, refreshing Purple Flurp sat on the table beside them as they rapidly swung their toy weapons. "Ye'll not get yer hands on THIS loot here, Captain Raccoon!" Mason exclaimed, trying to sound like a pirate.

"Arr, that's what ye think, but I'll be makin' ye walk the space-plank, scurvy dog!"

"Aw, not the space-plank." Mason moaned.

Inside the home, Yin Dimalanta smiled as she watched her son play with his best friend from the kitchen window, doing dishes. "Awe, aren't they adorable, Matthew?" she asked her husband, who sat at the table, reading a newspaper.

"Hehe. They're like a mini me and Marine."

"True. Good thing THAT didn't happen, though." Yin said, wiping her hands dry. "Still, with a friendship like that, you know they'll end up dating soon enough." The Chinese woman walked away afterwards.

"Whoa, save that for the teen years, Yin." Matthew chuckled.

At the same time, Dillon York and Leanne Grayson were also over, sitting on the living room floor and battling in Super Smash Bros. Universe, with Dillon's socks kicked off on the floor. The male shadowbender was unable to focus as a bunch of flies were buzzing around him, and he was trying to swat them away. As a result, Leanne was able to beat him and win the battle. "Hoo-hoo, yeah!" she fist-pumped.

"Ah man! Mason really oughta do something about these flies." Dillon whined, trying to smack them away. "What's their deal?"

"Probably because of how much your feet smell. You really oughta keep your shoes on." Leanne suggested.

"No way. My feet get real sweaty. In fact, just last week-"

"O-kay, don't need to hear any of that. Anyway, at least Ash is taking care of 'em." The two looked behind them as Leanne's shadow was trying to snap the flies in her hands and also eat them.

"Boy, shadows have weird appetites. Where is Mason, anyway?"

"Oh, he's outside, playing with Sheila again."

"Man, those two cannot stay away from each other, huh? Why don't they just confess already?"

"Because Mason is too shy. Even though they're just as obvious as your parents. Anyhoo, wanna keep going? Charizard is TOTALLY gonna kick your butt!"

"Not if good old Lucas has anything to say about it!"

Outside, Mason and Sheila kept powerfully swinging their wooden swords at each other before Sheila was able to make Mason's fly right out of his hand. Mason watched it fly off before Sheila swung her leg and kicked Mason off his feet, afterwards tipping her sword at him. "And ta Sheila go the spoils, eh?" With that, she took the Purple Flurp can and twirled it around before cracking it open, proceeding to have a sip. She then walked over and placed a foot on Mason's chest, holding him down as she said, "But as an act of good will, I present to you a gift." The Faunus raccoon reached into her back pocket and pulled out her own can. Mason smiled as Sheila stepped off of him, allowing him to stand up. "To best pals." She smiled, tossing him the can.

Mason cracked the can open and touched it to hers as he repeated, "To best pals." Both friends then proceeded to have a drink. When they finished, they both released loud burps at the others' face. The two of them joyously burst into laughter.

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