Ch.1 ARRANGED WHAT?! (Re-Written)

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Edited by me and Haxaphum 

Original Posted: Oct. 11, 2018

Re-written: Feb. 12, 2020


SOOOO I decided to re-write Why Not to fit my current writing level. Also to make it flow better I'll be re-writing them whenever I feel like it. So be ready. New readers if you want to an old experience I'm going to post a separate book so you can compare and contrast. OLD RE READERS this gives you an excuse to re-read because I'm changing what characters say to so it might feel like a different story.


Bakugo's P.O.V

"AN ARRANGED WHAT?!" Bakugou yelled at his mom from the top of their stairwell in their large modern apartment with one of the best views in Japan. One that not many could afford, unless, of course, you were the CEO of a certain company.

"Yes an arranged marriage you just turned 20 and you are going to be succeeding the company soon" she swerved around the kitchen counter to face Bakugou's angered expression "Since you're an omega you need to get a good partner and I think the owner of R.C's son is a good fit. He is kind and funny, you won't regret it," she turned back towards the counter she had been clearing from their hearty breakfast.

She was quite the weird old lady, even though she had more money she could spend, she refused to get housemaids or chefs and did all the cooking and cleaning by herself. 'I don't want to lose my charm' she always repeated if you asked her. Whatever her charm was. It was only when she had to go out early in the morning would she still herself and break down her pride and hire a maid and chef for that day only. Though they would first have to pass her hard critiquing and make it past her taste test if you don't then...

Let's not talk about that. She does have someone who is a repeat, she is a small little beta who makes amazing food and cleans the house till it looks like it was brand new. Ma really likes her so she is the only one who comes when ma leaves. Because of her personality, she is looked very weirdly upon by other high ranking aficionados or 'cunts' as she calls them. Bakugou's guesses that is one thing he could say he likes about her. That she doesn't take shit from no one.

"But... Bu-" Bakugo gets interrupted from the attempt and back talking.

"You know, why don't you?" His mom shuts him up with a stern face. Bakugo could not say anything to counter that. It was his fault in the end if he hadn't...

"Fine, I will go to the arranged m-m-marriage," he struggled to say the word known as marriage as to him it was quite unbelievable that someone would want to marry someone like him. Especially because of his personality. You see Bakugou Katsuki was not your average Omega, he wasn't quiet or meek. He was the opposite, he was loud and boisterous, always swearing and fighting others. Only calm and collected when working. He was known as someone you didn't want to mess with. As when you underestimate him for a second you would lose all your stocks and be swimming in bankruptcy. He was quite feared in the business world.

Most importantly though he quite frankly didn't really want to get married. Bakugou believes it is way too soon and wants to focus on his career a bit more and isn't really interested in relationships considering what happened in highschool scarred him a bit too much. He had no say in the matter though because he was born an omega and omegas are looked down upon. He wished that he had never been born as an omega since a long time ago around high school, at least if he had been a beta it would have been better than having to deal with heats, dealing with all the diversity and bullying as a kid between Alphas and Betas. He was lucky to have been born into a wealthy home or else he would have been a lot more depressed. He might have even killed himself over what happened back then...

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