Ch. 19 Coping

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Sorry for the cliffhanger but here is chapter 19

Kirishima P.O.V

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY DELUSIONAL!" I screamed. They just called my mate delusional. "please calm down sir, we are just doing our job and what we have found out while checking him is that he seriously believes that his baby is still alive. We think that it is some type of way of coping with the loss of his baby. I think he can't cope with it so he made himself forget about the whole incident. He still thinks that he was at home and never left to the Convenient store." the main doctor said." Can you help him go back to the way he was?"  I asked still shocked by the news. " we don't know" one of the doctors replied. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW YOU ARE DOCTORS SO DO YOUR DAMN JOB AND HELP HIM!" I yelled losing my temper. So much had happened I lost my unborn child. My mate is sick and now the doctors are saying they can't help him. "No, we are doing our jobs. You don't have to be so rude about it. We were going to say that. He can only be helped if he wants to. As we said before this is his way of coping with it. So you have to try and help him get over it. Or try and stop him from believing his baby is alive. You have to help in any way you can." the doctor said. I was mad for no reason. I bowed for forgiveness and said thank you and left. Katsuki was discharged soon afterwards.

Time skip~

It's been a few days since we came back from the hospital and Katsuki still believes his pregnant. He eats a lot and says his eating for two. He also tries to take me to baby shops. It is just hurting me a lot more than its hurting him. He believes that our baby is alive. It just makes me think that if that had never happened. He would have been this happy. While he was making breakfast one morning. He said "Hey, let's pick a name for our baby," Katsuki asked. He had a subtle smile. I could not keep the act on "KATSUKI OUR KID IS DEAD AND YOU ARE DELUSIONAL!" I shouted at him. After I realised what I said. "Katsuki I'm sorry for shouting but what I said is right we can take you to-" he cut me off. "HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT" he shouts at me hurt. I looked up and I saw him with tears in his eyes before I could say anything he ran out of the house. "Katsuki wait!" I shouted after him.

Sorry for the cliffhanger again I think every chapter is gonna have a cliffhanger

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