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No update yesterday... I seem to be going somewhere every other day... I really should ignore my feeling and still write another chapter. Well anyways here's Ch. 25

Katsuki's P.O.V

After the broadcast things seemed to be getting better. All of the companies withdrew their emails to cancel their contracts with us. Then the doctors got arrested, they had done things like this before and taken down a lot of big companies. By spreading false rumours. Those people weren't as lucky as us and weren't able to find sufficient evidence to arrest them. Life was looking great. Though now I and Eijiro were having some family problems. After the loss of our child, we both seem to not be wanting any other children and we have the tendencies to not touch each other in a sexual way. We still kiss and all that but we never go any further.

I and Eijiro were having breakfast as usual when we heard the doorbell ring. We weren't expecting anyone so we were both surprised. "I'll get it," Eijiro said getting from the chair to answer the doorbell. I continued to eat as I waited for Eijiro to come back. Until I was surprised with a furious scream coming from Eijiro. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!" Eijiro screamed at whoever was at our door. I rushed over there to be greeted with some who looked awfully a lot like Eijiro just taller and a bit older and with black hair. "Eijiro who's that?" I asked still in shock from Eijiro previous outburst. It wasn't like him to get mad like that.

Suddenly all the attention was on me. Eijiro looked at me not wanting to answer. "Family..." he said. "What do you mean baby brother." the older male said. Eijiro still looking annoyed said. "yes my older brother..." he said looking down like he did not want to tell me. I didn't know that he had a brother or an older one, in fact, I realised that I really didn't know a lot about him except he was the CEO of an R.C and he had a dad. That was all I really knew." Mom chose a good partner for you. I wish my partner was as hot as him. Hey if my brother starts to give you problems come to be okay. You're always welcome." his brother said with a smirk. "I think that you'll cause a lot more problems than him," I said back in a cheeky manner. Eijiro cut off the conversation. "So why are you here," he said in an annoyed voice towards the older male. "Well I heard what happened on the news and thought you might need some comforting especially after the loss of your child," his brother said with what looked like the purest intentions. "AND WHY WOULD YOU SUDDENLY CARE ABOUT ME AFTER ALL THIS. DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT YOU SAID TO ME. DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO ME! YOU... You. You. JUST GET OUT." Eijiro screamed at him I was just surprised that he could even get this mad. "I'm sorry. I regret what I did to you I just..." his brother pleaded. "I was only a kid, did you not think about what I did to me...I don't want to listen to regrets. I already got over you. The best things you can do to me get out of my LIFE!" Eijiro slammed the door in his face. He looked very hurt and sad. He stumped to our guest room and slammed the door. I was surprised by what happened and didn't know what do say. What really happened to Eijiro in the past. What did he do to him, what did his brother say that made him hate him so much. I knew Eijiro and he was the type to never hate anyone no matter how mean the person was towards him. What did his brother do to make him hate him this much? All these questions ran through my head.

Here chapter 25!!~pls vote

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