Ch. 28 Liar

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Nyaa~ Hello nya~ another update for nya reason~.

Waring. Depression, sexual abuse...

"My mom had gotten into an accident. She had been hit by a car. It was a hit and run and because we were from the slums. The police or nobody tried to help us. I felt pretty useless. My mom on the floor dying and I couldn't help. Though eventually the ambulance came and took her to the hospital.

I calmed down thinking that everything was fine. But boy was I wrong. My mom entered a coma and had to be treated that led to a huge ton of debt. Because of that, I had to get even more money. I did jobs 3 times a day every day, I even let people top me. I had been topping them. But now that my mom is in a coma I really needed the money.

I didn't want my mother to die... (right?) what was I thinking of course not my mother was my only family left. I loved her. (do I?) I went to her hospital bed and looked at her. She looked like she was dead her skin was extremely pale. You could see her bones on her face. The only way you could tell. That she wasn't dead was her subtle breathing and her chest going up and down.

She looked at peace while sleeping there. She looked happy. (that's unfair) she looked so happy. (why do I have to suffer) she was having the time of her life. (why do you get to rest I'm doing everything I can to keep you alive!) I am happy (Liar) I am happy for you (you are a big fat liar.)

"Hey mom, I'm trying my best here. But seeing you look so happy is really making me. Think that you want to die. But you can't leave me right. I don't want you to die." (Liar)

Suddenly someone came through the room door. It was none other than my brother." Nii-Chan what are you doing here? " I said." you abandoned US NOW YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST SHOW UP HERE ON YOUR OWN! "

I was angry my brother suddenly disappeared. Then he shows up with nice clothes and looks like he has been living the life of luxury as we suffered." I'm sorry for leaving like that, but I was forced to go. They told me that I had to go" he said. "Liar," I said. Why would I ever believe him?

"You need money right, for mom's hospital bills?" he asked. "No, I don't I can pay them myself.". I retorted. "Oh, by sleeping with random old dudes. That job doesn't give you that much money and besides, it would take years to pay off and every year is more money. She is in a coma and who knows when she'll wake up. More money. So do you want to come with me or not? I can give you money."

"Why do you suddenly want me back? After all this time?" I ask suspiciously. "What happened was that I was taken away by some people who turned out to be guards for the company. R.C. For some reason, the owner wanted to see me. When I met him, he told me that I was his son. Our mom had been his mistress and had the both of us with him. He threw her out soon after finding that she had been stealing his money. I was only 2 back them so I didn't remember. When he kicked us out mom was pregnant with you. So after I manifested a quirk. I was quickly sent to work. Anyways after that, dad found out that he couldn't bear children any more or make someone pregnant. So he remembered me and quickly took me in. I never mentioned anything about you. But after a while, I realised that the burden was too much and I wanted an out. So I told father about you." he finished. I looked at him in disbelief. He had been enjoying life while I was suffering.

"let me be blunt. I want you to take over as the next in line for the company. You can pay off the bills and live a life of luxury. It is like killing 2 birds with one stone." He said. "So do we have a deal?" he raised out his hand towards me with a smirk. "okay" I shook his hand and with that my life completely did a 180.

A few years past and I was doing great. I continued with doing the company business while my brother continued spending the money like there was no tomorrow. I  could pay my mom's hospital bills.

I went to visit her one day. She had been in a coma for years and I wanted her to wake up. It was heartbreaking "Hey mom, I miss you please wake up." I looked at her wires the wires that kept her alive...

Suddenly she relapsed. I called the doctors quickly but by the time they got there, it was too late. She had passed on. I was very sad. Extremely sad (...)  but I knew that mom wouldn't have wanted me to be this sad. So I made a promise that I would be a very good role model for R.C. I quickly tried to move on. Though one day as I was eating dinner with my brother he threw down his fork and said. "HOW CAN EAT MY DINNER WITH MURDER" he screamed I was surprised by his remarks and looked at him. I realised just how much he hated me. After that, I quickly lost contact with him."  Eijiro finished off.

"So I have no Idea why he would suddenly show up like this?" he asked himself. "ah hey what's wrong," he asks me. I had started to cry he had more of a reason cry than I did. My past seemed very dumb compared to his. Be looked at me and smiled but I could see tears on the corner of his eyes.

Oof done with his past... Maybe...

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