Ch. 21 (LOL) Things Keep Getting Worse and Worse

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I don't know what to say for some reason I feel obligated to say something at the beginning of every chapter... Hmm?
Anyways here is ch. 21

Kirishima P.O.V

It's been 2 days since Katsuki ran away I tried to find him but I thought it would be better to leave him be. He looked like he needed personal space and also to figure things out for himself. It was morning and I had just got out of bed I walked to the living room as usual and grabbed one of my mates clothes. I needed that to cool myself down and not go looking for him especially in the morning when I'm still in a daze. I turn on the TV to be greeted by a very big news report. (news report) breaking news just in the C.e.o of the company B.R has been in some type of accident. He was stabbed in the stomach and apparently he was pregnant. They also say he is delusional and believes his baby is still alive. The real question here is he really delusional and can we leave our business deals with the B.R company. We also found out that he has not been coming in to work. Is he slacking off? We shall find out next time on U.A NEWS. (news report over) my mouth dropped as I heard the news it was all over social media. I had gotten so many emails from different family members who knew about our marriage asking if it was true. I didn't want to tell them because I did not want to worry them. How did they even find out about our baby? We didn't tell anyone the only ones who knew where the... DOCTORS. THOSE SONS OF FEMALE DOGS!! They ratted us out. Probably for some money. Well, I'm gonna stop them but first I need to get in contact with Deku...

Katsuki P.O.V

I saw the news broadcast and what they said about not trusting my company I was so angry and stressed I did not need this right now. I'm still under stress from my baby problems. Now it seems that things keep getting worse and worse... I look over to my phone which was getting blasted with emails and text from my workers and companies I have contracts with. A majority of which are either where are you boss come back to the office we need you. Or we would like to cancel our contracts. It was too much to handle I could feel that I really needed my mate... I walked over to the kitchen only to hear Deku having a very suspicious conversation with someone. "Yeah I know I'm trying".... "but it is hard he really believes he is pregnant".... "yeah I did that I pointed some stuff out that you usually have when your pregnant and he seems to be understanding.".... "yeah I will try harder if it is to save kitchen I will try my best. I really hope he gets better...." yeah, bye. Talk soon" he put down the phone and went to do what he was doing before. He was plotting with Eijiro and Eijiro knew where I was all along and he never came to get me... Then again I ran out of the house and he probably thought I needed space. Well, I did he wasn't to blame I was. "Hey, deku tell me what happened to me" deku looked surprised but happy at the same time. He told me what happened I still couldn't remember but it hurt I went to bed after I replied all the text and emails which took about 2hrs. As Iay on the bed, I thought about what I was going to do next. Then something popped up in my head. "we might let you go if you're lucky" "yeah I hope you guys are lucky." I see myself fighting other people. I turned around it was too late. "oh... Shit" "my... baby" "eijiro". The events that happened flooded my head and I fainted. I woke up the next morning and remembered everything. My baby, my baby is dead. I cried and cried. I need to move... On I have depressed for too long I need to get up. It's been months and I have just been in denial. I got off from my bed and left to go see Eijiro..."Eijiro I'm on my way"

Cue the epic music lol. Well, here ch. 21 it was long right. I hope you guys are liking this story so far. I hope it's interesting I wanted to create a kiribaku fanfic that has interesting stuff happen and not just them in high-school I hope it's not too rushed either you guys can tell. Me how to slow it down if so! BYE SEE YOU TOMORROW! ~~

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