Ch. 18 Delusional

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Here is Ch. 18, some people might find this disturbing so here a warning. Mental sicknesses.

Katsuki P.O.V

I woke up in a hospital bed. It was late outside for some reason I felt odd. Especially in my belly section. I turned around to see Eijiro launching at me. He hugged me. "I'm so glad you're alright when you came home and I saw you on the floor unconscious and you bleeding I thought you were dead. That was the scariest thing I have ever experienced." he said still hugging me tighter than before. "thanks" I managed to get out until I realised. That my baby had been stabbed. "my baby what about my baby" I said very scaredly, grabbing onto Eijiro. He didn't respond. "Eijiro what happened to my baby!" I shouted at him. "I'm sorry, it was too late the doctors tried their hardest. The baby was too young to survive you had lost to much blood. And the knife had hit a very crucial area for the baby." he said very painfully. I didn't say anything. I could think straight my baby the light of my world. Was gone. It was my fault. If I had just run away or even just given them. What they wanted none of this would have happened." it's my fault I should have gone with you, it was late I'm such a bad mate husband and to be a father." he chocked out. I still didn't say anything he hugged me crying. "Katsuki *hic* I'm sorry" he cried out. I can't my baby, my baby. Next thing I knew I blacked out.

Kirishima P.O.V

Katsuki blacked out and I panicked I called the nurse and the next thing I knew. He was awake. He looked around and smiled at me but it was not a normal smile. It did not look right. He never smiles and when he does it does not look like that. "Hey, Katsuki it everything okay?" I said worriedly. He looked at me confused. "hmm, why wouldn't it be okay?" he asked. "Well after the loss of our child no wonder you fainted from shock," I said. Next things he said made almost faint. "what are you talking about we never lost our child," he said looking at me confused. "what? Katsuki what are you talking about I already told you, it's no joke." I said getting a bit angry about how he was joking. "what, HOW CAN YOU SAY OUR KID IS DEAD!" he shouted at me. It surprised me. I stared at him in his eyes for a couple of seconds. Until I realised that he was serious he had a serious face and really looked hurt. He really didn't remember anything. I called for the doctors and they asked me to step out. After half an hour they came out and looked very worried. That just made me worried. "what is wrong with him" I asked them still very worried. "come this way we can tell you more about it there" one of the doctors said. I followed them into a room that looked like an office. They sat me down and said. "your husband is delusional"

Sorry for more cliffhangers. Katsuki is Delusional what's gonna happen next are we gonna get to know Kirishima's past at some point who knows. Anyways see (read) you tomorrow.

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