Chapter 3, Let's Get Along From Now On (Re-Written)

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Bakugou glared at the hand laid out in front of him, not making an effort to grab onto it. So this is my potential marriage partner. Bakugou scuffed, he could feel the awkward tension around them but he chose to ignore it, in the end, because of the drilling stare he felt from his mother he latched onto the red head's hand.

"Hi, I'm Bakugou Katsuki. The CEO of B.R" He forced out harshly, he smiled back with a plastic smile or company smile as he liked to call it. Even though he didn't want to, Bakugou knew he had to make a good impression as the CEO of B.R. to the CEO of R.C.

The red-haired stared at Bakugou for what felt like an eternity before softly sitting on the now cold chair and smiled like an idiot at Bakugou who was taken aback by his friendly gestures. He hadn't met an alpha like Kirishima before except for an old friend of his.

All of a sudden Mitsuki, like Bakugou, was never there, to begin with, started to discuss business with Kirishima's father. Bakugou stared wide-eyed at his mother, thoroughly surprised. He thought to himself that if she came here for business why did she have to involve me in it. I have my own work to do, worst of all wasn't all this for me to get together with- Bakugou glanced over at the redhead noticing he was staring back at Bakugou with a resting smile placed on his face. Why the hell is he still smiling? Bakugou was still shocked by the mysterious man's attitude to everything. It was like he wasn't serious, Bakugou thought to himself.

"Hey want to get out of here?" The red-haired whispered, pulling Bakugou out from the well which was his thoughts mainly on how to escape this place he now thought of as hell. "It's kinda boring" Bakugou's eyes widened at the red head's desire to escape this place. He had thought he was a papa's boy always listening to whatever they desired but this time he seems pretty interesting. Bakugou eyed the alpha wondering whether to go along to his whims or not but the boredom got the best of him before he nodded in response.

Both of them fluttered out of the room unannounced and unnoticed. They really are in their own little business world, aren't they? Bakugou thought to himself with a little smirk. If someone was getting stabbed they probably wouldn't have noticed.

"So..." The alpha started gaining Bakugou's attention. "are you up for it?" Kirishima asked as he glanced at Bakugou as they walked down the hallway.

"Up for what?" Bakugou questioned a confused look on his face

"You know the marriage, cause I'm not against it or anything I just want to make sure you're fine with it too" Bakugou started back at him in shock and a very much surprised expression. The shitty alpha is okay with it?!

"You only think that because you haven't seen my-"

"Horrible personality" Kirishima let out a soft laugh, from Bakugou's frozen face. "Yeah, I've heard all about it from my employees. 'He is a villain', 'he is super cunning'. They are a lot of them." Kirishima smiled with humour in his eyes.


"But I'm fine with it...I mean you are completely different from how I imagined you to. N-not that I am disappointed, but in my head, I thought you were this spoilt and bratty omega who got whatever they wanted and it led to their rotten personality, but-" Kirishima smiled down at Bakugou's shocked face. "You are actually extremely cute in person." He finished looking back at Bakugou to see he had completely stopped and his face was as red as a tomato. Which made Kirishima burst out in laughter, smiling down at his maybe future partner. "So...are you okay with it?" Kirishima turned around to face Bakugou staring holes into the young omega.

Bakugou didn't say anything for a while. The only thing he thought about was how he was lucky to be able to be with someone like Kirishima, but he knew that he would mess it up in the end. Even so against Bakugou's normal judgement, he decided he would still give it a try. He softly walked up the alpha grabbing his sleeve with one hand.

"sure..., shitty hair." Kirishima froze and jumped back in happiness and smiled brightly at Bakugou, his smile rivalled the sun. "You don't need to be so fucking happy!" Bakugou turned around facing his back to the redhead hiding the blush that had crept onto his face. Bakugou couldn't stop his racing heart. He fiddled with his fingers before turning back to face Kirishima who was now sitting down on a porch in the back of the hotel, where no one else was.

He waltzed over to him and sat down beside the red-headed alpha. Staring at the beautiful forest in front of his where they could hear birds and other woodland creatures roam about. They started to talk about anything really about themselves, mainly Kirishima with Bakugo giving some side remarks here and there. They talked about their birthdays, about how working as a CEO was in their respective companies. About many things, Kirishima asking all the questions, neither of them talking about their childhood, both of them noticed that and they both chose to stay quiet. Maybe in the future when they were more comfortable they would be able to but now. It was far too early for either of them.

After a while of their soft chatter, Kirishima stood up and smiled down at Bakugou "Well let's get along from now on!," He shone brightly at his future partner.

"Likewise shitty hair" Bakugou responded quietly with a small grunt and smile he hid by turning away. Little did he know that Kirishima could see his blushing from the tips of his ears that were now feeling very hot. 

OKAY so I rewrote this chapter as well it only had 300 words can you believe it!

Original Posted: Oct. 13, 2018Edited: March. 27, 2020

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