Ch. 26 Past Few Months

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Yay, I updated early finally!! I'm so happy I guess? Well, anyways I think Kirishima's past is going to be this chapter or next chapter. Let's say his past is a lot more complicated than Katsuki's.

Katsuki's P.O.V

As I sat down on the sofa waiting for Eijiro to come out. So I could talk to him. I thought about all the events that had happened in the past few months. From us getting married then mating. Telling him my past, I getting pregnant then getting attacked, having a miss carriage, having mental health issues, the entire false news fiasco. And now Eijiro's family situation. It made me realise that Eijiro has always been there for me. So I'm going to be his Eijiro and be there for him especially since it seems he needs someone, right now.

As I finished contemplating our life Eijiro walked out and sat beside me on the sofa. "So you are probably wondering what just happened to me and my brother aren't you?" he asked staring at me straight into my red eyes. I stared back into his. "Yes I am, I know basically nothing about you while you know basically everything about me. I told you about my past so I think it's about time you told me about yours" I said with a stern yet understanding tone. "okay" Eijiro said without putting up a fight. If kinda surprised me. I thought he would try to hide it more. Especially since it seems like a very big part of his life. Kirishima had I serious face before he began.

"Well, where do I begin..."

Sorry for the short chapter but next chapter is gonna be very long because it's gonna about Kirishima's past so like Katsuki's past is gonna long! ~ cu tmrw!

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