Chapter. 4 I Do (Re-Written)

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Bakugou and Kirishima had both agreed on getting married. Secretly they both looked forward to it. Both of them had become smitten with each other without their awareness. Both their parents had decided the wedding would be held in 6 months, and a week before Bakugou's heat started. So they could form a bond faster. Of course, during those six months, Bakugou and Kirishima had been forced to go on many dates developing their relationship and getting used to each other presence and personality. (Though Kirishima was the faster of the two.) Their dates included going to amusements parks (riding all of the roller coasters much to Bakugou's delight), cafe dates, and house dates. They secretly became Kirishima's favourite as he got to see sides of Bakugou he wouldn't show outside, Kirishima thought this explosive omega was adorable. Like something he had come to realise was that Bakugou had a sweet tooth he loved sweet things. Compared to Kirishima who liked natural flavours more but would never reject Bakugou's offer of sweets.

The result of them spending time together caused Bakugou and Kirishima to be very attached to each other much to their parent's delight. Soon enough, they started to organise outings without their parent's insertion. Kirishima being the lover boy that he was, fell head over heels in love with the grump omega that was soon to be his. Bakugou, on the other hand, was a bit apprehensive in showing any such of care towards Kirishima but would also be the one who would often be seen caring for that airheaded alpha.

Kirishima and Bakugou had soon found out they had similar taste in music, they both loved rock and would spend they Saturday afternoon relaxing at one of their apartments listening to intense rock. Kirishima would often end up singing along and dragging Bakugou in as well.

Kirishima was a bit of a slob his apartment was often untidy as well as his office Bakugou had visited a few times. Bakugou had almost wanted to blow Kirishima up after seeing the state of them both. He had forced Kirishima to tidy everything while he sat in his office chair with a cup of coffee and some cake. Kirishima found it adorable how big the chair was compared to the omega's smaller frame. Though the thought soon left his mind after Bakugou started to shout at Kirishima every time he tried to cut corners. Bakugou was a neat freak, to say the least, his office was arranged accordingly to him and if someone moved it out of place, he would explode so seeing Kirishima live in a place like that made his neat inner freak come out.


The six months flew by, and it finally the day of the wedding both of them had been secretly looking forward to, though they were also slightly apprehensive.

"Oh no, what should I do, what if he does not want to marry me. I mean, what happened to me and-" Bakugou had been pacing back and forth in the bride room. All the worry he did not know he had, fell onto his shoulders, and he had started to have a panic attack.

Bakugou was halted in his tracks by his mom, who had grabbed his shoulders. She was also the one who had been helping him dress up.

"Don't worry, don't you know that they are a lot of other people who would like to marry the C.E.O. of B.R., but I chose him for you, I know he is someone who would accept everything about you even what you did before" His mom assured him with a grin

"Yeah, but what if he learns about it and does not want to be with me anymore" he replies.

Bakugou's mum giggled "You sound more and more like Izu-chan today."

"HA! What are you-"

"But if he did learn about that and still chooses not to be with such a wonderful omega then he clearly does not deserve you," his mom interrupted before he could start the argument.

"Yeah okay, th-anks" he mumbles.

"No problem your still my kid and I will always love you," his mom says with a loving tone. "Now go out there and make all the girls jealous of how stunning you look.

"YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT THEY ARE ALL GONNA BE SO JEALOUS" Bakugou shouts with a huge grin.

"YEAH," his mom replies with a huge grin reflecting Bakugou's

Bakugou strode out with new fire in his eyes.


Kirishima had been standing at the end of the aisle beside the priest, waiting for Bakugou he was wearing a light grey tuxedo with a blue tie. He was slightly worried at the amount of time that had gone by and was slightly worried Bakugou wasn't going to show his adorable face. The room buzzed with excited chatter and children ran between the tables in a good-natured game of tag. Suddenly the room became dead silent as Bakugou's lean and sturdy figure walked in. His was wearing a matching tuxedo to Kirishima's, but the suit was darker grey and had a blue tie hanging from its collar. That wasn't what Kirishima was focusing on though, and he became trapped entirely in the blonde gaze. The two of them were staring into each other's gaze, unable to look away. Kirishima was in a trance from the flame that burnt in those red eyes of his. They gave of resolve and also a burning feeling of want that shone a path to Kirishima. He was just to transfixed as the blonde stepped closer he wanted to grab him and hide him away from the world. He wanted the omega all for himself.

Even as the blonde stood in front of him while the priest said the speech, he was enthralled. Bakugou didn't say a single word as well; he just kept his eyes locked on Kirishima's. It was when they started to mention the vows did Kirishima snap out of his dream-like state.

"Do you swear to love Katsuki in sickness and in health, in wealth and in the poor." He looked at Bakugou and smiled. This grumpy little omega was the person he had decided to be with, and he had decided to love.

"I do" he replied, smiling ear to ear. The priest repeated the same thing to Bakugou; for a moment, my heart stopped waiting to hear his reply. He looked me in the eye before smirking.

"Of course I fucking do" he replied his smirk growing. Everyone was stunned for a moment with his vulgar display, but from the unwavering grin on Bakugou's face, he did not care one bit. Only making Kirishima smile more than he thought he could. "Hey are you going to fucking continue or what?" Bakugou snapped.

"Ah-yes of course" after composing himself the priest then finished up the final part. "You may now kiss the groom."

Kirishima leaned into Bakugou, kissing the blonde's soft and plump lips, this had been the first time they had kissed in front of anyone, and Bakugou quickly pulled back much to Kirishima's disappointment. Bakugou's face had turned as red as his hair and caused Kirishima to giggle. Everyone cheered in happiness from the two now becoming one. Kirishima was the happiest he had ever been. He leaned into Bakugou's ear and whispered.

"Take care of me from now on okay," Bakugou refused to look at Kirhsima from sheer embarrassment, but Kirishima did not miss his soft reply.

"O-okay..." Kirishima beamed before Bakugou got handed a bouquet of beautiful red flowers. Everyone who wanted to get their hands on the flowers were now swarming behind Bakugou. Bakugou grinned with an evil look before flinging the flowers as hard as he could. The bouquet flew through the air and across the reception hall. Only for a blur of pink to zip past the other men and women who wanted it and catch it in her hands, It was Mina. She had used her acid to slide quickly past everyone and into the right position to catch the flowers. Everyone cheered in amazement on her effort while other sulked at their slow reaction. He noticed Kaminari next to Sero who were clapping at their pink-headed friend. They had all been friends from a long time ago and were still friends even now.

Kirishima and Bakugou noticed their parents side by side clapping at the two of them. Bakugou's father being there for once.

Kirishima laughed, and Bakugou just grunted. Kirishima was happy that everyone was happy. He was happy that he was with Bakugou. Kirishima was happy he got to meet this precious omega.

He was just so happy.

It's fun re writing this story!  Do you enjoy my re-written versions?

Re written: April 18, 2020

Originally Posted: Oct, 13, 2018

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