Ch. 12 It was not my fault

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Sorry for no update yesterday was too lazy. Excuses excuses

I needed to get away, fast I blasted him so many times. Until he no longer moved. I looked down and so him on the ground unconscious. I realised what I had done. I panicked, I thought I had killed him. After that, one of the students had heard it and ran into the classroom. She saw what happened and screamed. I went home leaving him on the floor of the classroom. I had to get away I couldn't I ran past her and ran all the way home.  I was still in my heat so I was extremely weak but I managed to get home safely. His body....his body, it haunted me. When I left him on the floor. He had burn marks. He skin was melted, I did that to him. It was my fault, I was glad I had my heat cause I got to skip school. As soon as it ended. My parents called me down. The heard what happened. I went to school because my parents forced me. I felt so sick, I did not want to go. When I entered the school everyone stopped and looked at me. I felt horrible, it was self-defence I told myself-trying to calm myself down. It was not my fault, but in the corner of my heart, I knew what I did was wrong.

 During the first period, I got called up to the principles office. My parents were there and so was he. He had bandages everywhere he was in pain. I felt guilt crawl up to me. His parents were there and looked at me with disgust. As I walked in felt like I had killed someone. "Sit down, I think you know why you are here," the principal said with a stern voice. I sat down as far away as I could from Rinsuke and his parents. "So what happened?" the principal said. I was scared I let Rinsuke go first. "So we had cleaning duty together, and during that time Bakugou went into heat, I was taking over by my instincts and tried to attack him. Then he blasted me with his explosions as self-defence" He said that I calmed me down. I thought. Yeah his my best friend so he would never say anything mean or against me. But then he looked at me and smirked. "But." he continued "Bakugou never told me he was an omega so I could not take any precautions if he went into heat. He also kept on firing at me even when I stopped. He also ran away trying to flee from the scene. At least someone saw him and reported it. Also, he is an Omega so he was begging for me he tried to seduce me. It was not my fault. He was craving for me." He said after he said that my heart sank. He had just grouped me with all other omegas. Saying that I was craving for him. His parents agreed with him and threatened to sue. It was my fault, my parents. 

I could not say anything. I thought we were friends I thought he cared about me. It was all a lie, I just never noticed. He looked at me the same way all alphas looked as us omegas. With lust and craving. Wanting to impregnate us. I felt disgusted, I ran out of the office sprinted to the bathroom and threw up. I couldn't I just couldn't. It was my fault. My parents paid his parents as hush money because that would look bad for their company. After we got home. They started lecturing me about not seducing people or lying about my gender. They said that they were disappointed that I was an omega. It was my fault. I felt like shit for a very and I mean very long time. People started to bully me. I was a very cool person and did not take it out. I kept on during them, again, again, again. It was my fault, It was my fault, It was my fault, It was my fault. They kept on reminding me. With the used condoms, the scratch marks. Writing "DIE" "SLUT" "YOU SEDUCED HIM" "USED MONEY" "DISGUSTING" There were rumours that I slept with the principle to not get kicked out of school. All the insults. All the rape attempts. I got tired one day. I am usually so level headed but nobody and I mean nobody believed me or was on my side. It felt like everyone was against me. The school, and even my own family. The only person I believed in also started to be one of the people who bullied me. I went up to the school roof one day and looked off the edge. I thought of my life and how shitty it was. I looked back and jumped. I heard that I entered a coma it was for 3 months I think. I was almost put down. When I woke up I cried for the first time in my life I cried. I thought I can't even die, can I? I few weeks after I woke up. My childhood friend who I called Deku came back. He had moved away a few weeks before high school started. He saw me and cried he hugged me and said. "Please don't kill yourself I'm here for you,"  he said that and I felt so happy. He was the first real friend ever and I used to bully him. He was there for me. Soon after that, my parents changed they tried to be more careful around me and tried to be nicer. I could tell they were doing this to try and atone for what they had said and done to me. I couldn't completely forgive them, but I never said anything. I tried to be a good son. Especially after all the trouble O had caused. Soon after I transferred out and moved to this town. I never had to go through that again. I hate my gender I hate it so much.

There done with his past. Kirishima's past is next but for another chapter. See you next time~


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