Ch. 34 Why not? (END)

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One more chapter! 😭

Anyways this might be the end of this story but I'm probably gonna make another one!

No P.O.V.

2 years went by quite quickly during those years Kirishima started therapy. It was a little hard in the beginning but after a while, he got used to it. In the beginning, he used to have nightmares especially after remembering it a little bit during those times Katsuki was very nice and tried his best to help him. Kirishima was plagued with nightmares every night and sometimes even had illusions it was really hard but Katsuki didn't give up on him and stayed with him. The whole way.

After a few months, Kirishima had remembered everything and was trying to get over it.

Kirishima's P.O.V

"Hey, I'm back from therapy!" I shouted from the front door. I was met with no response. I was scared, that something had happened to him again while I wasn't home. I ran to our bedroom. Only to see him on a wet floor. "We-welcome come back y-you idiot," he said between grunts. I ran over to him.

"what happened?!" I asked with tears in my eyes. "what do you think?" he responded really quietly. "what I don't know-" "MY WATER FREAKING BROKE YOU, IDIOT, THE BABY IS COMING!" Katsuki interrupted. I was too shocked to say anything. I started panicking. " w-what do w-we do?" I was starting to hyperventilate. "Calm down why are you acting like the one giving birth, hurry up and let's go. It might not look like it but I'm in EXTREME pain!" Katsuki said trying to calm me down. I picked him up and ran towards the car. Once we got to the hospital he was quickly taken to the emergency room.

I called his family and my dad. 30 minutes later they all rushed in. They were all panicking. I calmed them before I entered the room where I could hear my shouting mate. I ran in only to see Katsuki shouting and grunting. Even in situations like this he still remained manly. While I was shaking and crying like a baby. I needed to be strong for him and for our little baby. I let out a calming scent towards him. He calmed down a little bit. This continued for hours because for some reason they didn't want to leave.

After around 2 hrs the baby was born. The room was filled with screams and cries from the little life I and Katsuki had created. He looked so cute. He had black hair like me but it was shaped like Katsuki's hair. He had red eyes just like the both of us and thank goodness he had normal teeth like Katsuki. We named him Haruki but Haru for short.

2 years past in the blink of an eye. We were new at the whole parenting thing. It was hard and especially for Katsuki who had to act especially calm around him. Though we learned thanks to the help of our family and friends. During those 2 years, I started to talk to my brother again.

"Hey, guys wanna go to the beach?" I asked my family. "huh what the occasion?" I asked Katsuki as he was feeding little Haru. "beak?" Haru asked. "no beaCH, and there is no occasion just wanted to do it. Is that okay?" I said. "sure why not Haru has never been there before so why not." Katsuki responded.

We got to the beach 20 minutes later.

We played for a while. We bumped into Sero and Denki while playing around. I asked them to take care of Haru while I and Katsuki took a little walk. I took us onto some rocks where we could see them from.

Life really is funny when I was young I asked my mom what happiness was. She said she didn't know and I would never know. But when I think back I think I found my own happiness and my mom was wrong. Well, that just what I think.

"Hey, Katsuki." I said. "yeah what is it" he replied still watching them. "we will be together forever won't we?" I said Katsuki looked at me for a bit. "why not?" he said "hmm? Why not?" "I MEAN WHY CAN'T WE NOT BE TOGETHER" he shouted he face was red. The next thing I knew I was laughing my face off "HAHAHA... YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT... WHY NOT?!"

AND DONE!! thank. You soooo. Much for sticking to the very end next chapter is an epilogue more focused on their kid. Ugh that was a ride don't know what to say ugh well by I hope you enjoyed Why not?.

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