Ch. 5 Trust(Re-Writen)

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Original Posted: Oct. 14, 2018

Edited: Apr. 24, 2020

Bakugou is now going to be referred to as Katsuki because his last name (Bakugou) has now been changed to Kirishima. So to not mix up the two I'll be calling Bakugou by his first name.

Katsuki's and Kirishima's wedding hall was full to the brim they had rented a massive church to hold it in, as well as a large venue to have the after-party at but even that looked like it wouldn't be enough space for the abundance of guests that had turned up. They hadn't taken into account all their business partners that were going to show up to try and further improve Kirishima's and Katsuki's view on them. After they had stepped down the altar, they were bombarded with congratulations and boot kissing betas(the alpha's being too proud to do that). A few of them sneaking in an inappropriate question or two to get a reaction out of them. Which worked very well on Katsuki but Kirishima always stopped him before it got too bad and his omega decided to explode. Glaring and growling if they overstepped their boundaries. He was actually sparing them from the omega's rath.

The party had been going on for a bit, and Kirishima was having fun, he noted that Baku- or Katsuki as he was going to have to refer to him. (The alpha's face heated up at that prospect)-was also having fun. Even with the glares and condescending looks he was giving people, he noticed he would also occasionally give out a small smile, and his eyes held a softness in them. Kirishima had learnt many things from spending almost every day with that hot-headed omega. For one thing, he was very clingy, of course not immediately but after the first three months together he would often end up in Kirishima's arms, or leaning against him in one way or the other. It made the alpha delighted that his cute and prideful omega would love cuddles so much. And he was more than happy to share.

As Kirishima gazed at his omega and now partner with puppy dogs eyes, a particular yellow head trotted over to him.

"Hey" the yellow head omega greeted. Kirishima turned to face he very close childhood friend, lighting up at being able to talk to him finally.

"Denki! My dude, I am so happy you turned up!" He exclaimed not at all, hiding his ear to ear grin.

"Of course I wouldn't miss such an amazing occasion, you are my best bud after all. I wouldn't want to miss one of the most important moments in your life" Denki smiled, Kirishima wrapped him up in a hug.

"Thanks, bro..."

"So~" Denki's tone suddenly changed.

"So?" Kirishima questioned.

"How is he~," Denki said with an unmistakable hint of what he meant. Kirishima choked on air, and coughed hysterically, gaining a few glances here and there. "Wow, bro calm down I was joking."

In between coughs, Kirishima crooked out. "That wasn't...funny man" he composed himself before continuing. "I haven't done anything, we weren't married yet, and it wasn't time yet..." Kirishima tried to play it coolly failing miserably.

"So is it time now~?" Denki teased.

"No!" Kirishima exclaimed he realised he had overreacted again and straightened himself once more. "We are waiting for his heat..." he mumbled.

"His heat~" Denki's unsettling smile widened. "Never pegged you as that kind of alpha."

"No! That's not what I meant...we just decided to you know- when he has his heat. That is something that was decided before we even met and something we kept true too. And besides, I didn't think it was time yet." Denki stared up at the love-stricken alpha, his smile disappearing before the yellow head was worried for his friend, especially what he held beneath that smile.

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