Ch. 27 Slums

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I've not updated for almost a week... What?! Is happening. Anyways sorry I didn't update just felt like people weren't enjoying my story as much. Also, Kirishima's past is pretty dark... You have been warned...

Katsuki's P.O.V

Eijiro started to talk.

"Well let me start from the beginning. Before I joined the company it was only me, my brother and my mom. We were poor so we lived in the slums. Everyday fighting for food trying to live. It was pretty hard, especially with my quirk. Back then I was unable to use my quirk properly. That lead to a lot of abuse from my mother. My brother had the ability to make rocks in any shape or size. So he would often make building materials for other people. He was our main source of income. My mother would continue to abuse me for being useless. While my brother would just stare at me. But I didn't hate it, I was happy. At least I got to be with my family. That was my thought process. Other people didn't have families while I did so I was pretty happy.

Life was bad but good enough for me. Until one day my brother suddenly disappeared. He left home and didn't come back. We lost a huge source of income and weren't able to eat much. It was just me and my mom. She blamed my brother's disappearance on me. But I still loved her. I believed that my brother was going to come back and help us. I honestly believed that. We were family and he would never abandon us I thought. I was a big fool back then. One day my mother brought home a guest that night, she introduced him to me and then she suddenly left me with him by myself.

He looked rich and I thought it was weird but I didn't say anything. The man suddenly started to come close to me and started to touch me in uncomfortable places. I didn't get what was happening until he suddenly jumped on me. He ripped my clothes off and forced myself in him. I couldn't process what was happening. An older male probably in his 50 was riding on top of a 10-year-old. He kept on riding me until he came and I came. I passed out shortly only to be woken up by my mom. She was discussing payment with the man.

I heard the man saying how good I felt and how he would love to do it again. Shortly after he left my mom told me that I was going to be doing a thing like this from now on. She said she was proud of me. It was the first time my mom had complimented me. I was happy so I didn't do anything to stop it. She was proud of me and it seemed to make her happy. So I was happy.

This continued for 2yrs I was reaching the age of 12 and had gotten pretty good at my job. I would even sometimes jump on people who I thought were rich and they would give me extra money. I was used to doing our with old guys too. I hated my life I really hated it. Doing it with people I didn't know or love. My mom, on the other hand, was happy. She mostly took all the money for herself and used it to buy things that didn't help with our lives.

I thought nothing of it. Until I heard my mother was in an accident my life turned from bad to worse in that amount of time. "

Me and cliffhangers lol

See you next time ~

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