Why Not? (Epilogue)

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After 20 years here it is finally the epilogue went on a break because I was like hmmmmmmm.....I am gonna take a break...Also thinking of starting another book. Hmmm it smells kinda FISHY

Kirishima's P.O.V

I was sound asleep with Katsuki by my side until I was woken up by a loud cry. It was Haru he had just woken up. "Hmm...6:30. He slept thirty minutes longer than usual....hey...babe can you-" "no" I was interrupted by an angry Katsuki who hadn't had enough rest. Can you blame him having to be CEO of one of the biggest companies in the world and being a mom can be pretty Difficult. "Fine, I'll go do it." I stood up from my bed and went over to Haru's crib. His crib was in the same room as me and Katsuki so we didn't have to walk from one room to another room. I walked over to Haru's crib. He stopped crying once he saw me. "Hey there baby Haru, Papa's here. (someone in the comments called him that and I liked it so his nickname is Baby Haru) "Papa! Up up" he cried from his crib. "No Haru sleep sleep," I said trying to convince him. "No!" he said with a small pout. His cheeks were so small and round and so squishy he looked so adorable. "Please, Papa wants to sleep a little longer won't you-" "No!" I sighed, like mother like son. "Okay, let's go out for a bit shall we?" I asked baby Haru. "Yay".


We went out and walked in the direction of the park. 10 minutes into the walk and Haru was already dozing off. "hey why did you want to go if you were this tired" I said as I picked him up from the ground. I carried him back home by the time we reached our house. It was 7:00 am. Katsuki was already up and looked as tired as me. "good morning love" I said as I went in for our morning kiss. "Morning, looks like Haru had fun." He said while taking Haru from my arms, but Haru woke up as soon as  Katsuki touched him. "Mama" he cooed while grabbing his neck. He was trying to give him a hug but his hands were too short. It looked so cute. "Good morning to you too," Katsuki said hugging our son back. "Why did you wake up so early?" I asked. "Works today right?" he asked with a confused expression. "Todays a public holiday you know right?" I said. "uhh..." Katsuki faced lit up to be an extremely red color. He was blushing all over his face. "You forgot didn't you?" I teased. "no I didn't I was-i was just joking. The real reason I woke up early was so I could have more time to...Play with Haru yeah I wanted to play with Haru because this was my only day off so..." he fumbled trying to make up excuses as to why he was awake so early. But it made him even redder. "Okay... whatever you say love whatever you say..." I teased. "Shut up!" He shouted at me. He went over to our rug and sat down on the ground with Haru in his arms he continued to play there with him ignoring me. I sat down so our backs were touching each other. I could feel Katsuki flinch but he continued to ignore me. I brought out my phone and used it for a bit. Only to interrupted by a loud high pitched scream. "Uwaaah!!" It was Haru he was being carried up into the air by Katsuki and he looked to be having the time of his life. Katsuki looked so happy to he had the brightest smile on his face as he held Haru up. That just made me happy and I couldn't help but smile the brightest smile. Moments like these make me feel so happy that I met Katsuki at the marriage meeting. Falling in love with him was probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. Of course after getting Haru. I love them way too much and that wouldn't Change for the world.

Sequel is out!

Epilogue finished now why not is finished thank you guys for sticking with me to the very end I'm thinking of making another book called Wavepoint. It's gonna be Kiribaku cause you know I'm all about that ship. So it is gonna be very different from this one and is gonna be fantasy. Hope you guys liked why not as much as I liked writing it!

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