Ch. 31 Accusations

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Katsuki's P.O.V

"Afterwards?" I ask the older male.
He begins

"Well, it is not really afterwards it is more about what really happened. Well, let me cut to the chase. It was Eijiro who killed our mom." he finished.

Did this guy who left Eijiro to suffer and go through all those horrible things in life. Accuse Eijiro of killing his mother who he clearly only wanted approval of and Love. I stood up to leave only to have an arm grab me and pull me down.

"wait don't go!" his brother pleased.

It probably looked very weird for the people around us. It probably looked like an obsessed boyfriend not wanting to let go of his partner. All the was left was for the real partner to walk in and kiss me.

But that wasn't the case. "wait hear me out... I am telling the truth I just want you to know the truth. Wasn't his story a little weird towards the ending. Didn't he have any weird facial expressions?" he asked me.

I sat back down I thought a bit. Yes, there were two weird incidents. After his mother died he got over it way too quickly. He said that he wanted to move forward for his mom. But I could feel like it was for a different reason.

Then there was the death of his mom. When he was telling me that part. He was smiling...explaining all of her facial features, the things she said and most of all that he was scared. But he was smiling...
There were other weird parts but I didn't mention them.

"did you find anything? You probably did, now can you listen to me?" he said. I grunted in response but looked ready to listen to him.

"well before my mom died I had gone to go visit her."

"mom you really should try and wake up. Eijiro is really sad. He misses you so very badly he looks really sad when he talks about you and when he sees you in this state. You put him through enough I think it's time you stop." I said. I leaned over the bed and touched my mom. For a few seconds, she woke up and said."Don't bring that boy here he is going to kill me..." and like that she was down again even now I'm not sure whether it was real or not...

After that, I started to watch Eijiro when he visited. When I was in the room he looked sad but when I left...he changed.

He started to say things but I couldn't hear but I knew one of the things he said was "die" I wasn't sure at first but I could see him smiling when he was talking to her alone. It was really creepy. But as we get to the death of my mom. I was now with him every time because I didn't want him to kill her.

But then I made a huge mistake. I went for a toilet break thinking that he wouldn't do anything. But boy was I wrong. Just as I reached the room I saw him there. He had a wire in his hand and had the worst smile I had ever seen. Suddenly nurses ran into the room surrounding her and we got the news that she died. Over machine malfunction.

I looked over to my brother to see him crying but not tears of sadness tears of joy. Nobody else understood only me. And it scared me for the first time my own little brother scared me.

I took him to a psychiatrist but nobody could find anything wrong. They said that he has no memory of anything or that he does not even remember doing it. He might have been unconscious while doing it. I couldn't tell them what he did because he was my little brother. So I was stuck with the burden of being the only person who knows the owner of R.C. killed someone. I couldn't take it and took it out on him at dinner one day. He moved out and I never saw him again until recently...

After he finished I couldn't say anything so not only was my mate a killer he had no recollection of ever doing it...
Well, this is going to be a long ride... I thought to myself. This is going to be a pain...

Here is ch 31...HE KILLED HIS MOM!!?? ~

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