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We arrived at the studio and Ariana slowly opened the door and smiled at the person behind the register. She let go of my arm and ran to the door opening it and waiting for me.

As we passed through the door we entered the big hall full of people dancing and studio pieces up.

"Hey ariana" a guy came up to her and gave her a hug.

"Hiiii cutie!" Are they together?

"So.. you said u wanted to add one more song?" He questioned.

She nodded slightly.

"Oh this is Grayson, grayson this is scooter. My manger" she explained.

"What's up" I shook his hand and got a "yo" back.

"Umm have you wrote the song? Is it all ready?" Scooter asked ariana.

Ariana turned to me and nodded her head and turned back to scooter.

"Okay lets just jump right in"

Ariana walked with scooter to the glass room and I could see them talking and nodded with a laugh to the side.

She finally went to and started singing, I could hear her voice through the speakers and it was truly amazing. I couldn't help but smile and watch her.


The song was finished and she was just editing some little bits on the computer, she was for sure this was ganna be a bop and I was sure too.

"Wooo were all finished!" She screamed and had cheers from everyone else.

I clapped as she made her way towards me with a huge smile on her face.

"Thank you" she said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For making me think of this song"

We both hugged for a while straight after she said that and I have never felt like this before. I didn't want to let go.

"Okay, were ganna have to leave soon! There ganna do a fire alarm check and everyone needs to be out the building so" scooter told everyone.

Ariana grabbed her stuff and walked towards scooter one last time.


"Will it be released tomorrow?" I asked scooter about the album.

"Sure will" his words came out of his mouth.

I jumped onto him giving him a hug and swung around cheering.

"Se see tomorrow at 10:00 pm" he waved as I walked towards Grayson again.

"Eekkk, lets go" I grabbed his hand and we slowly walked out the building swinging our hands together.

"You want to go home?" I asked.


I thought about it. I wanted to stay with her but I can't just keep letting my problems pass me and come back worse.

"Yeah... I have stuff to deal with" i weakly smiles at her.

"It's okay, want me to walk with you?" She smiled sweetly.

"No, you get home. It's getting cold" I smiled walking away slowly.

"Bye" she waved.

Songs for you {Grayson dolan & Ariana Grande}Where stories live. Discover now