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a week later

i didn't sleep all night at all, i mean who could when your deeply upset and hurt and never ganna see the person you live anymore. today's leaving day and in al packed up and ready and so was courtney, alexa and doug. my other friends already lived in new york or out of california so i'd be meeting them there which is something to look forward to i guess.

i'm waiting on my ride to pick us up and take us all to our private jet that will be ready by 12 am. it's 10:45 right now.

"we HAVE to get a baby pig" doug blurted out.

"a mentally support micro pig" i joked making us all crack up.

"i really can't wait ariana" courtney gave me a big hug.

"same" i giggled a little even tho i didn't want to leave yet.

i could hear the talks from everyone in the room as i was deep in thought thinking about grayson. i never really said bye to him. i cant just leave without saying bye.

i thought i should go over to his house and say my last goodbyes to him so the regret doesn't haunt my life.

"i'll be back guys, i'm going to get this picture i left down by the studio" i stand up from my seat.

"be quick" my mam watched me walk towards the door as i nodded my head.

i took a deep breath in and let it out before setting of to graysons house.


it took me a while but i got there by 11:20. there i stood outside of his door waiting to knock or at least waiting for my anxiety to calm down.

"here we go" i whisper under y breath before knocking on the door.

instantly the door opens like someone knew i was coming over. i watched the person step out from behind the door and see ... grayson? he looks a little different tho.

"grayson?" i question.

"ariana?!" he seemed an awful shocked.

"i- i'm ethan i mean, i'm his twin brother, please do come in" he stutters.

"thank you" i walk in slowly and notice a older girl trying to hold in her screams and i assume her mother holding her hand as she seems to be having a panic attack?!

"i- umm this is cameron.. she's a big fan" ethan points out.

"ohh" i giggle little.

"hi cameron" i wave.

"o-mm-gg" i watched as she took out her phone and started texting. i really don't want to be here long but i can't let a fan down.

"your here for grayson?" he asks.

"oh yes" i turned around facing him.

"upstairs and take a right" he pointed.

"oh.. i know" i bit my lip. "i've been here before" i said turning to cameron who looked like she was about to pass out.


"ethan go away" i heard grayson yell as i knocked on the door.

"grayson.. it's me.. ariana" i said through the door.

there was silence for a moment u til i heard his bedroom door unlock and saw a shirtless grayson.

"why are you here?" he asked concerned.

"saying my last goodbye" i bit my lip holding back the tears.

"oh, your leaving today" he put his hand through his hair.

"grayson. you'll always be in my mind.. there won't be a day i won't be thinking about you. i love you grayson and i'm going to miss you" i tell him.

"ariana. i love you too... that's why i have to do this" his words stuttered a little making it hard for me to understand. he grabbed my face lightly and kissed my lips slowly.

he slowly pulled away and i open my eyes seeing a grayson with glossy eyes.. again.

"bye grayson" i slowly walk away.

"bye ariana" he watches me go down the stairs as he stands at the top.

"can i have a picture before you go?" cameron choked out.

"of course" i watch as she took her phone out and i posed for her picture hoping i didn't look to upset.

then i left.


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