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"Rose, what's happening with you?" After my little fit of rage with the knife, Will was reluctant to let me go. But when I dissolved into a teary-eyed mess, he let me sit down on my bed, watching me like a hawk. "I don't know!" That was the truth. A scary truth, but the truth nonetheless. "I don't know, and it's scaring me." My hands were still shaking, and Will had refused to take me anywhere until I got myself under control. There was dried blood now coating my hands, which only made me more terrified. "I think I'm losing my mind, Will."

My longtime friend was more than worried. He stood a good metre away from me, almost touching the opposite wall of my cell. "Yeah, I think so too. Is this because you lost Bee?" I took a deep breath, clasping my hands together in an effort to calm myself down. "No. I had one breakdown before this when me and Sam went back to our old home and I saw how our parents had been killed and buried in the backyard." I tried not to think about what happened, focusing on the present. It wasn't too hard, considering all I could smell was the acrid tang of blood.

"And how did you get yourself to calm down?" Will was keeping his distance for now, and he was probably right to do so. "I- Bee had to talk to me. He kept touching my arms, making sure I knew he was there, talking to me quietly to distract me." So Bee was most of my self-control. God, my bond with him had made me dependant on him. "So we need Bee to keep you calm?" He suddenly lowered his voice, whispering to me. "The TRF has a tracking device on him right now. They're planning to move in tomorrow, but I'm being called out this afternoon for a meeting with Megatron."

Megatron? What the hell are they doing with him? "What's the TRF doing with the Decepticons? Are you going to hunt down Bee??" Before I could totally lose my mind, Will gave me some reassurance. "We're supposed to work with the Decepticons to hunt them down, but I swear, I'm going to do everything I can to make sure they get out alive. Now, we need to get you to the infirmary." The throbbing in my side had somewhat receded, but it was still rather painful. Will helped me up, an arm securely under my armpits to keep me on my feet as he half carried me towards the TRF's infirmary.

Just my luck, the doctor on duty was Harvison. "Well, if it isn't my favourite patient. How's your day going?" I shot him a look as Will heaved me up onto the bench. I loathed this man and everything he accumulated to be. Will didn't leave, staying nearby as Harvison approached. I played with my hands, feeling the burning hatred I held for him fluctuate as I touched the stump of my right pinkie finger. The one he'd chopped off during his little torture session. It was disgusting to look at, and Harvison clearly noticed my own revulsion at the sight. "I think your boyfriend will have a hard time looking past that ugly stump. Not that it's detrimental to your appearance; in fact, I believe it may be an improvement."

Hearing him speak about Bee's possibly being sickened by the sight only made a pinprick of doubt creep into my mind. What if he was right? What if Bee was disgusted by the sight of my missing finger, and the fact that I'd turned into a monster? "Aw, did I hit a weak spot?" Harvison jeered, not even waiting for permission to lift up my shirt and start cleaning my stab wound with harsh strokes of a wet cloth. I was trying to remain silent, to ensure that I kept my anger under control. My patience, however, was waning as he continued to mock me throughout my silent surrender. "Hope we catch that son of a bitch. Maybe I'll be able to tell him how you screamed in pain, how pathetic you were. Perhaps you may see him again, and he'll be too revolted by your weakness that he won't take you back-"

Something inside me snapped. Whether it be my patience, my nerves, my sanity- something important snapped. And it sent me into another rage. Will jumped into action as I grabbed the nearby butcher knife, swinging it violently towards Harvison. The doctor managed to narrowly avoid his death, and Will grabbed my wrists, holding them in a vice-like grip to prevent me from killing Harvison. I refused to drop the knife now, gripping it tightly while glaring at Harvison. "You think I won't kill you?! You have NO IDEA what you're talking about!" I screamed, thrashing in Will's grip. Everything inside me was ordering me to kill Harvison. It was like a tiny voice was whispering the order, my muscles doing as it said without questions.

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