Chapter 1-Part II~ Meeting Again

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When Nightmare finally saw his sibling again, it was only because she was out stealing boxes of chocolates and throwing them into a portal and her stuffing her face with them.
Then, with him being an absolutte idiot, he ran to her and hugged her so tight that she started smacking him in the face with her tentacles and desperately trying to wriggle out of his grasp. When he finally let go, she had an Oscar worthy scowl that could make Horror scream like a little girl. And that didn't happen very often.
"Nightmare? The fuck you want? Can't you see that I'm busy here?Go awayyyyyyyyyy"
He was too relieved to give a crap that she was pissed as hell.
"I've been looking for you everywhere. I'm sorry for being such an asshole to you."

Dream had a quizzical expression on. 

"You idiot, I forgave you a long ass time ago. I'm just staying under the radar."  Nightmare heard a female voice calling for Dre-Shattered to get her ass back in the portal. Shattered gave a shit eating grin, and simply gave a warning. 

One that chilled him to his marrow.

"Just wait and see. You'd better be preparing for bullshit soon. And also, when are you gonna be dom and fuck Cross  already? God, you TOTALLY adore him."

Suddenly, Nightmare wasn't sure if he missed his sibling or not.


Shattered wondered why in the absolute fucking bullshit of allllll the universes that Ink created, Lumina just HAD to be in Underlust. It was either that Lumina was drunk as fuck, or she just wanted to murder all the monsters with her usual thousand degree scythe (Shattered's tentacles had accidentally grazed the stupid scythe once and it went up in flames. And Shattered had screamed for her life.) 

Hopefully it was option B, kill all the people in this sinner universe. But they wouldn't expect a huge surprise they were in for.

Kimi Dattara                 (Shattered Dream Sans)Where stories live. Discover now