Chapter 13-Part II- Execution and Escape

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Fate was tied up with Karma's chains, and pushed to the ground by Destiny, energy constantly absorbed by Balance, and surrounded by weaker deities that had once supported Fate.
"Fate. Will you forfeit to us, and live, or let Balance absorb your entire being and very existence?" Destiny announced.
Fate snarled at Destiny, trying to lash out at her, but being bound by chains, failed in vain.
The crowd around Fate started chanting for Fate's literal execution.
"Oh well, too bad! Balance, Fate does not plan to surrender- never. Here ya go! ReVenGE!" Karma grinned  happily.
Balance raised her hands, forming two swirling openings, one on each hand.

It was once said..

Before Balance had shifted dangerously and went dormant,

She had defeated the ones who disobeyed the laws of Balance.

With deaths excruciating, very existence erased from the entire universes.
Fate screamed for mercy, as their entire being was starting to become compressed so painfully, shreds of themself turning into pure energy, floating quickly to the vortexes in Balance's hands.
Only a few seconds later, they were gone, fully dissolved into Balance's hands.
It was decided.
Destiny was now in control of beings' destinies and what used to be part of Fate, guiding them to their roles, never forcing them.
She would never force them to have a job, or role that was undesirable.

Oh no, it was decided that for the roles that were particularily undesirable, or simply barbaric, some of the deities could conform a small percentage of their essence into a lesser being, one that would carry out the role.
The deities' next plan was to defeat Fate's abombination, the
But Fate had made a replica of herself with the same amount of magic as what she usually had.
All of the deities had not known this.
Fate could keep going.
Fate smiled in glee. She would still control the puny mortals' Fates after all, but now, she had to hide.
That Balance, Karma, and bitchy Destiny was stronger than she thought, combined together.
She would have to use some sort of trickery to carry out her plans.

Her gleeful smile turned into a malicious scowl.

And all of this was because the Destroyer was attacked by her child.

The air around her turned several degrees lower.
Fate giggled, then started laughing.
She will find him.
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