Chapter 10-Part II- What The Hell

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Error woke up again, however this time on a couch.  What happened before he passed out?
Oh right.
He needed to get out and escape again. Ink would no doubt finish off what he had started.
Sighing, he rolled off of the couch and face planted onto the floor.
He shakily stood up, and tried to walk only to collapse on the floor with a thud.
Xcellence heard the thud and quickly walked to the living room.
He was there just in time to see Error stand up shakily, then fall on the floor.
He quickly walked over to Error and helped him up and lead him to the couch.
Xcellence first needed to give Error food.
For the first time when they found Error, he was passed out for two days.
After he broke down, another day went by.
He was sure that Error was starving.
Xcellence made sure that the skeleton was not going to go anywhere, and ran off to the kitchen.
Hm... what should I make.....
I know! Chicken soup!
(This is a true recipe grabbed from youtube. I'm just describing it.)
Xcellence grabbed and filled a large pot with water, turned the stove on, and added two chicken breasts. He then added a tablespoon of garlic, then some pepper powder.
While the mixture was cooking, he diced an onion and dumped it into the pot.
After a couple of minutes, he skimmed the residue that was coming up on the surface and removed it.
He finished the process, then checked on Error.
Marvul was talking to Error and keeping him occupied.
He came back, and he removed the chicken breasts and put them on a plate to cool down.
Xcellence took all the meat off the bones and dumped the meat back into the pot.
He waited patiently.
Marvul sensed the overwhelming negativity from Error.
Of course, it got a little bit better, but not by much.
The despair was still there, but not as heavy.
She happened to bring a couple of books with her.
Marvul decided to give Error  a book to read.
"Here. You can read this book for now."
But Error stared at her blankly.
" I don't know how to read. Or write, for that matter."
Xcellence smiled. The broth was almost done. He poured two cups of chicken broth from a can, and put sliced carrots, frozen peas, plus corn into the pot.
The skeleton then stirred the soup and closed it for a while.
Finally, he added two teaspoons of salt and some chopped basil.
Smiling victoriously, he ladled a bowl of soup, added the spoon, and walked to the living room.
He did not expect Marvul to be teaching Error the ABC's.
And almost spilled everything, but caught them.
" He.. he doesn't know how to spell?"
"No shit sherlock, he doesn't know how to read, write, and I'm teaching him." Xcellence sighed.
"Well.. pause the lesson. The poor guy still needs to eat."
He handed the bowl to Error, who stared at the food blankly.
" Eat up.."
Error did, and downed the entire thing, including the spoon and bowl.
"w-wait! You're not supposed to eat the entire thing!" Marvul and Xcellence said in sync.
The group had alot to teach the poor skeleton.
Shears gaped at the size of the castle. It was huge and gloomy and-
Shut up Shears, calm down, calm down.  His logical mind took over.
He calmed down, and he followed Lust and Shattered into the castle- of doom!
Yeah, totally.

Kimi Dattara                 (Shattered Dream Sans)Where stories live. Discover now