Chapter 11-Part I- Learning Slowly

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By the time everyone ate, Marvul had to admit: Though Error did not know how to read, write, eat edible food that was not the dishware and fork, he learned and memorized things very fast. The only thing required was for Error to get used to using them and putting them to good use.
Whoever Ink was, Marvul swore that once she found him, she would absolutely murder him for doing this to Error.
Even though Error radiated a powerful aura, he was still innocent.
Take lollipops for example.
At first, Error had no idea what it was. He thought the candy was a weapon until Marvul shoved it into his mouth for him to taste it.
She knew that he would not eat it even if it depended on his life.
But he ended up liking it.
Even though he got slightly used to the gang, he was still extremely wary of Eraser and stayed several yards away from him.
Marvul was still sure that he wouldn't trust them much until later.
Blueberry had sneaked out of the castle after Shattered, Lust, and a feminime skeleton  had come back.
He just needed to actually prove that he was pregnant.
He was still in denial, after all.
He came back after he snagged a pregnancy test from a random store.
Blueberry teleported back, and tried it.
When Shattered explained what had actually happened with Error, everyone was in absolute disbelief and denial.
But when she proved the reasoning, however, they calmed doen, and gained a new sense of hope.
And so, they crafted a delicate plan to retrieve Error.
Reaper was shocked. Ink.... had gone insane and showed his true side.
The one that was hidden behind sunshiny smiles, supposed innocence, and justice.
What was justice?
Reaper had always suspected that something was terribly wrong with Ink.
And yet, like a fool he was,  he had blindly followed Ink and tortured and beat Error because he destroyed Ink's creations.
And he blamed everything bad on Error, like everyone else did.
He was not much better than Ink at all.
He was just as a twisted person as Ink was.
H e  
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b a c k

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