Chapter 12-Part II- Project ΓΕβΕι

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Sci finally reached his secret lab. It wasn't in his universe, instead, the lab was in one of Ink's failed universes.
He knew that if he were to build his true lab in his AU, it would've been ransacked and shut down because of the many dangerous experiments, projects, and powerful weapons.
Of course, he didn't experiment on living beings because it was cruel and heartless, and just plain wrong.
Instead, he constructed humanoids or monster like robots made from titanium or steel, occasionally diamonds fused together with the two main materials.
His weapons were blasters fueled by magic essences, staffs made of silver, quartz, and gold smelted together, and many others.
His other lab in his universe was less dangerous, mainly focused on healing, codes, and defending.
He walked down the hallway and punched the code into a testing room.
The doors opened with a hiss, and he stepped inside.
A clothed humanoid feminine robot was standing on a pedistal, almost completed.
He just needed to add the codes, and he would be done.
Project Rebel was equipped with Sci's strongest blasters and had a black scythe for close combat.
It had taken him several years to construct Rebel.
Sci stepped up the the pad connected to the pedestal next to Rebel and pressed his hand on it.
It gave a whir, and Rebel's eyes opened and lit up to a sea green color blankly looking at him.
Sci typed a few more codes in,  let them program themselves into her system, and waited.
He disconnected the cables connected to her, and stepped back.
She looked like a regular human.
One that was programmed to terminate Ink and to have emotions.

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