Chapter 11-Part II- "Perfect!"

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Ink couldn't find any of the survivors in their respective AU's, so he destroyed and killed the inhabitants and erased the remaining carnage.
He paused, dust falling off his gore covered brush in clouds.
Ink needed to find the weaklings, or else the rest of the multiverse would find out.
But by now , he was sure that  word of his little accident had spread.
Ink was going to the Omega Timeline Room, the next best place that they were going to.
"Perfect. I need to eliminate them."
He will find them and make them scream.
Reaper had unexpectedly opened a portal and burst into the OTR, gasping for air, looking like an emotional wreck.
"Ink killed almost everyone in the meeting room. I barely escaped, along with a few others."
Immediently after he announced the news, there was numerous protests of denial and shock.
That stopped once Fell and G solemnly entered the OTR.
" Well, for one thing, Ink went bersek and murdered majority of the people in the meeting room. And burned it, also decimating the ones who were hiding." G said.
"But Ink is our creator, and he defended us from the Bad Sanses! There is no way that he could actually kill  someone unless they were really bad! It's not possible!"
Ultra yelled, in quite disbelief.
"WeLl HE JUST DID, GET THAT STICK OUT OF YOUR ASS, AND LISTEN. I'm going to tell you exactly what happened.
Ink was looking malicious as fuck, suddenly got pissed, eye lights turned red, whipped out his GODAMN PAINTBRUSH, AND STARTED BASHING ALL THE SANSES AND THE PAPYRUSES ON THE HEAD WITH IT, some hid as best as they could, some opened portals and escaped. But you know what? The rat bastard started burning the place down. " Fell retorted.
Warm drops of tears were sliding down his face. He sobbed brokenheartedly.
"There wasn't anyone in the room after that. Just ashes. I thought he was a genuinely good person. But I was so fucking wrong."
Yay.. Sorry bout that

Kimi Dattara                 (Shattered Dream Sans)Where stories live. Discover now