Chapter 8- Casualties

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Blueberry was terrified. Ink had completely snapped
and had killed off almost every Sans in the room, their screams of agony and betrayal cutting through the air.
The only Sanses that were left were fighting a hopeless battle, hiding, and opening portals to escape.
He took to opening a random portal, because he was that desperate. Ink was laughing maniacally, showing his true nature. Blueberry jumped into the portal.
And ended up in Nightmare's castle.
Shears stared at the two skeletons. The only person he knew was Error, and he was missing. He knew that Error was not dead, because all of his strings were up, and they would be gone if Error died.
The golden goopy skeleton stepped up to Shears and said," Do you know Error?"
Shears felt a very bad feeling rise up in his nonexistant gut.
"Yes, I've been here for a long time and he found me. It was getting quite lonely."
The goopy skeleton and the cat sweater skeleton shared their glances.
"..Error is dead." The cat sweater skeleton said the curt news.
Shears frowned.
"No it couldn't be, because he told me that if he was to die, all of his strings would be gone. They're still up and hanging."
They scanned the place over, and got surprised and relieved.
"Error is alive! " A smile crept on their face" He's just somewhere else, possibly another multiverse or hiding in a universe. But how do we find him? We don't know where he even went, or the last time someone saw him.
Pardon me, my name is Shattered Dreams."
" And my name is Lust. "
Shears grinned.
"My name is Shears."
"Is it okay if we bring you to Nighty's castle? We need to start planning how to find and get Error, and possibly escape this trashy multiverse. "
Shattered opened a portal and bekoned the two to go in, then jumped. They joined in.
Nightmare was out of his mind. Three skeletons had opened portals and got into his castle.
One had a faded out white sweater with one eye all glitched up, a huge ass scar across his chest. Geno
And the one next to him was Classic Sans, the original  Sans, having his classic ketchup bottle and baby blue sweater.
And the tiny skeleton with the gray and blue outlined armor and his scarf tied up in a bow was Blueberry.
What the hell is with these people getting into his castle and interrupting his brooding?

Kimi Dattara                 (Shattered Dream Sans)Where stories live. Discover now