Chapter 16- Part I- Thoughts

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Blue gazed placidly at the large group of Sanses in front of him, surrounding Killer and Shattered.
No one was noticing him, so he had the perfect chance to leave the castle and be by himself.
His thoughts stopped.
If he was to leave, where would he go?
He had nowhere to call home.
Blue knew that the others would help him with the pregnancy, if he told them. But with Ink being insane, having no qualms about killing many people, and torturing them, Blue needed to keep his child safe from the world.
Blue sighed. This multiverse was turning to shit, more and more minor universes collapsing in on themselves. Major ones have started to crumble a bit, but not collasping. The Balance was tipped to the extreme. There was nowhere safe.

What if someone was to start erasing the universes' codes?
Of course, he and the other Sanses could destroy them, but they could not fully get rid of the universes, because of the codings that remained.

The only ones that could remove the universes' existance used to be Error, Ink, and


Kimi Dattara                 (Shattered Dream Sans)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang